When watched by the most invisible. 

Now, the dynamics of life itself are so amazing, now that they can turn the unknown into realities, change the tide and bring back what has since been thrown away and rejected. Maybe such  a nature of its own comes with the fact that no any living creature is having any power over this same life, or has ever been given that right to possess that power no matter what an attempt to own that power that may emanate from one living creature, or maybe this is a result of the knowledge and understanding that was never given to any living creature concerning how this same  life do make things happen. 
As the living organisms and members of this same physical universe we are left with no choice but to accept our situation just as it is in its natural form. Or what is it that we can do when such powers to decide what we want or not had not been preserved for us in the first place? For frankly speaking if we were naturally given such powers, we could have long used them and then had chosen what reality we do prefer in our lives or not. However, despite that natural deprivation which we as the physical creatures had been assured of, a certain natural provision has since been assured of us, this capacity to contract certain realities through the commitments of our own deeds, and as we do cherish this provided endowment we would find ourselves at this one stage of  our lives behaving in one way and in another stage the other manner, it is a great endowment indeed, no wonder then that we are freely taking advantage of it.
As we are doing all these, and despite the natural endowment by our side, we would be heading to a certain final moment there ahead and therefore, certain consequences that are in line with that moment would be getting contracted in that manner. We will then find ourselves being incapable of reversing anything when all has eventually landed in our lives, rather compelled to accept our situation while searching for some other means through which to bring change into our lives, and even though what had already been done could have not been undone in that manner, at least the avoidance of a repetition would have so materialized, much to the arrival of new times in our lives no matter what same old physical frames we may be in possession of. The invisible observer would have long come into our company by then, taking us from one stage of our lives and straightaway cast us onto the other, we would then find ourselves being unable to control what is meant for us, now that as the observer themselves had taken that final decision nothing could come in between to influence that final moment, unless what is recommended by the observer themselves is being heeded and submission thereto be chosen as the final resort, then the confiscation of all those unwanted things might be realized. The silent words of advice and guidance would then be extended to us through a variety of available measures and sources, only so as a mean through  which to manifest the generosity of the invisible observer themselves, so that when all had been fulfilled, with all that is being deserved having so far been sent to us all, only so on the basis of a certain dominant reason, then none of us could come to  complain that no goodness was preserved for us in the first place, rather do so only on the basis of our own hesitation to accept our wrongful beginnings, and only out of the reluctance to admit the ultimate shame that our lives had been so far, our actions would have long become the witness of everything, and the invisible observer, the giver of all that is being deserved, would be handing out what is being deserved no matter who is who or what is what.



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