When actions can bring the unbearable.

The physical structure itself has been adorned with capabilities, such are capabilities that can make life take any kind of direction, now that through them goodness can come, happiness be brought, or even disaster be aroused from its resting place. As part of such given capabilities this same physical structure can talk whenever feeling like, never mind what to talk about, or even take a walk around as part of its utilization of the given natural right to do so, never mind where to walk, it can even choose to relax itself, only so as part of its utilization of the natural right to refresh when feeling tempted to do so, never mind how to refresh or with what in this universe of endless miracles. But it is difficult to talk about this same physical structure or think about it without the mentioning of the heart and mind, the two basic components of the physical life itself and the cornerstone thereof, now that without them the physical life itself is dead and gloom. Through them the physical structure itself can draft everything in terms of things to be done and then said, never mind the eventual consequences. Such plans generated from within these same two basic components of physical life can be of any kind whatsoever, they can incorporate evil and hatred within them, or entertain destruction and murder, even contempt, stealing and theft. But despite all these capacities of the physical structure, capacities that are exclusive to a certain class and side of physical life itself, this same physical structure is not incapacitated to perform activities that are in line with normal standards of natural life. Capacities to show goodness when compelled to do so, the capacities to show honesty and respect in the face of mounting contempt and betrayal, and the capacities of truth and justice in the face of mounting brutality and sheer injustices. It is because of the failure of this same physical structure to conform to the required standards of natural life, that this same life had chosen to occasionally drag this same physical structure to the extremes of life itself, only so as a mean through which to have this same structure given a clue of how it is having to stand against what is normal. Maybe this same life is having those intentions of harassing this same physical structure from within its place of rebellion and reluctance, drag it out therefrom and straightaway into a life of compliance and normalcy, albeit in a manner that is completely disastrous  and inconvenient to the physical structure, only so as a mean through which to manifest the sheer anger and wrath of this same life, that would have long been provoked by the very same physical structure through such abnormal and recalcitrant activities of its own.
But given the generosity of this same life, and sheer knowledge and understanding of its own concerning how things should be dealt with and in a manner that is void of discrimination and suppression, that right will still be given to the very same physical structure, to make a choice concerning which side of life it may wish to fall into as far as compliance and rebellion is concerned, without having to forget that the final moment will eventually come, now that to every action undertaken a certain benefit and consequence will finally come, and great shall be the arrival of that final moment, wherein this life will have every accolade preserved for any existing physical structure irrespective of the side of life in which that structure might fall into. 



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