
Showing posts from March, 2022


SEPARATE LIVES. When what one does is not what the other do. T his given life that we are living is very amazing, and the amazing part of it lies in the nature of its unpredictable dynamics, now that it is true that what will become of us in the future is a secret known to this same life alone, much as it is that what should have been done in the first place to avoid the  current situation is another secret kept deep down there in the depths of this same life by life on its own. The truth about everything is therefore a factual matter owned by this same life on its own, and under its own authority can someone else be given that right to own the very same authorized entity, and whosoever have not been given that authority over the very same entity may claim that ownership only when being moved by the impulse of lust and arrogance, much as it is that the one that may hesitate proclaiming that right of ownership, even when in possession thereof, may be doing so only when subdued by th...


END OF THE PHYSICALITY. When death welcomes us to the end. The life we have been given to live comes with a variety of features, and  it does depend how this same life have made its decisions of the day that one particular feature from among others is directed down to us the physical creatures, and as it has been sent we would then fin d ourselves with no choice but to accept that a new feature of our lives is with us. But it cannot be denied that at times it is that much difficult to make that concession, now that it is not what we do expect out of this life that is always sent to us, for truly speaking, there are some certain features of this same life that would at times have us wishing that we had been given that natural power to control this same life according to our own desires, so much so that we would even tell ourselves that if we had been given such natural powers to do that, we would then make that particular undesirable feature of the day to vanish into thin air witho...


PROLIFERATION OF PUNISHMENTS. When we are being blas phemous against life. We the people of the physical universe has been given this physical life to experiment with and explore,we have not seen anything when all was created and as a result we don't know when all that we do currently see was created and how,or even by who,we rather just keep on guessing and guessing about all these,while some of us the physical creatures do keep searching hopefully for the truth about all these no matter our lack of knowledge concerning when all will be revealed to us about this same troublesome matter,only if that possibility is really there.But what are we going to do then if that very same possibility do drag its own feet in reaching our impatient selves?Will we then wax angry against this same life and then start to blaspheme,or just practice our patience until such a time when all is fulfilled? But despite the manner in which this same life may drag its own feet in revealing all to us the phy...


RESULTS OF NIHILISM. When we are being shy to apologize. We the people of the physical universe has been programmed in a certain manner that do make us behave in this way at one time or that way in another time,it is just because of the prevailing impulses ruling the physical universe that we do behave after their own orders,now that we have so been created as subjects of such impulses,and therefore such powers to control such impulses every time they do issue their injunctions on us we don't have given the mere physical power that we have naturally received,and as long as we are being physical then we won't be able to resist such impulsive powers every time they are being generated,unless we do seek to give our all to one particular impulse,and only by then can the powers of another impulse be subdued,albeit temporarily. When we are still under the spell of one particular impulse we would then tend to think and believe that the end of some other existing impulses had come,so m...


TOTAL DISGRACE. When young children choose to digress. In a real world where everything is based on truth and honesty,little children are the subjects of their own parents,and it does not matter w hether are they satisfied with that natural subjectio n or not,theirs is to remain beholden to their parents,only in a world of truthfulness and justice.Even if they might perceive that subordination as being some sort of oppression in disguise,or see those parental orders issued to them now and again as a form of abuse and mistreatment,still the fact will remain that they are less experienced than their parents as far as life itself is concerned. There is no any responsible parent that can be happy with their children straying from normal and purposeful life and then straightaway into a life riddled with all manner of ill-disciplined behaviors and bad habits,neither can that parent leave them straying like that,they will always try what they can to help enlighten the life of that less expe...


ABANDONED HUMANITY. When natural brotherhood has been abandoned and betrayed. It is true that in this life we the physical creatures were all given natural life in pairs though not created all at once.The main reason behind this same process is secretively known to life itself,now that this same life on its own is the sole facilitator of all these,and even though we might hasten to some certain inferences about what is what and what is not what as far as the dynamics of this same life are concerned,the sole and main truth will lie with this life alone,and when it needs to it might confide in on someone or just leave things complicated and intricate like that as far as that secret is concerned. And as a result of the very same couples with which the physical creatures were blessed in life by the the main facilitator thereof,the feat and destiny of the very same natural creatures wedged into a particular orientation,even though it is not a well-known fact whether that particular orientat...


REJECTED LIFE. When we reject our comfort. Life itself is full of loads of endless comfort,much as it is in case of challenges and hardships,it is just how it is,and none of us do really know whether this is how things were naturally meant to b e,or if this is how  life is supposed to be.They just happen such realities throughout the course of life and time,and the reason behind all these things is a secret that is known only to life itself,and maybe it can jus t reveal a ll to the one found worthy of that should it only wish to do so or just hide all permanently from everyone else.It knows and we don't know,ours is just to get on with this life and observe what is coming next,and from there we can decide what next step to take based on realities presented to us by this same life on its own.Or what can we do then?Nothing surely!! Every challenge and hardship presented to us by this same life does not come without the presence of an alternative through which to properly deal with...


EMPTY COURAGE When our elders fail to prove themselves. Our elders are the pillars of society and automatically the backbone of our lives.Without them our life is gloom and void of any informative experience as far as the past and present is concerned,we won't know how things were before becoming what they are now,neither can we be capable of knowing who we are,and an ultimate danger lies in that failure of personal knowledge,now that in that same failure we won't know what is right or wrong nor what is bad and good.We would just stumble on in our lives in the absence of that critical personal knowledge and understanding. In the absence of the very same personal knowledge emanating from that failure from our own elders to help groom and feed us with that life experience,the society wherein we are living will also be in danger of disarray and destruction,now that we in turn will fail to properly guide and lead our own children,let alone observe and watch them helplessly as they ...


DANGEROUS  POISON.  When humanity is consumed by itself. The obvious motive behind the existence of life is nothing beside goodness and gracious tender,where all things can be done and happen on the basis of these same crucial aspects of life itself,and where the desire to harm and be cruel or evil can simply be pushed aside and ignored every time it tries to undermine these crucial aspects of natural life.These are the most crucial aspects of this same natural life without which life itself is void of happiness and love,where distress and sorrow can reign supreme and become a normal feature of this same natural life,and in the reign of the very same distress and sorrow bitterness itself will flourish and then hatred become a normal way of life,and shedding of blood and murder would then perceived as nothing beside a trophy with which to attain a status of glory and honor in a world where the wrong has eventually replaced the right. But,it take a deep analysis of this same lif...


TRUTH OF THE PARENTS.  When they tell us the truth. Parents are the pillars of any community and society at large,they are the bright light of the young little children and their source of knowledge and understanding about life itself,they are the backbone of every existing household,and the direction of the family as far as its lifestyle is concerned lies across as the sole responsibility of the very same parents,unless portion of its own offspring choose to rather digress and deviate from the foundational direction thereof laid down by such backbones of that particular household,then nothing untoward can be found in their lives at all. The provision of advice and guidance also lies across as the sole responsibility of this same people,and in the absence of that same provision the survival of the household itself is doomed and destined to naught,now that in the very same provision lies everything about things to be done and not,and out of the very same provision the future of the ...