When we are being blasphemous against life.

We the people of the physical universe has been given this physical life to experiment with and explore,we have not seen anything when all was created and as a result we don't know when all that we do currently see was created and how,or even by who,we rather just keep on guessing and guessing about all these,while some of us the physical creatures do keep searching hopefully for the truth about all these no matter our lack of knowledge concerning when all will be revealed to us about this same troublesome matter,only if that possibility is really there.But what are we going to do then if that very same possibility do drag its own feet in reaching our impatient selves?Will we then wax angry against this same life and then start to blaspheme,or just practice our patience until such a time when all is fulfilled?
But despite the manner in which this same life may drag its own feet in revealing all to us the physical creatures,still we would be expected,by this same life,to submit ourselves to the requirements that comes with having to live good as far as natural life is concerned.Our purity and freshness won't come until we have so far complied with what is required,while our troubles would tend to multiply as we do drag our feet to comply with what is naturally necessary. And as we do drag such feet of ours life itself would not be waiting for us to embrace what is right,neither would time be waiting as we become somehow wasteful of the given chance to live good,rather keep passing on and on while ensuring that we do get what we deserve.And when all that we do deserve has so far been made,by this life,to reach us,we would then receive a report sent down to us by this same life through a variety of existing portends,this is a report about the nature of our actions and deeds,and in it everything about us would be packed and delivered straight into our lives,and it won't mind this life whether we do appreciate the nature of that report or not,rather hand it down indiscriminately. 
Our tendency,at the realization of the nature of that report about our actions and words,to try and pretend nothing untoward has so far been committed of us won't deter this life from fulfilling what is compulsory,neither can our empty attempts to remain somehow blasphemous can render the decisions and conclusions undertaken by this same life about us weak and invalid,rather help build up our sorrows while multiplying our punishments,and as our sorrows and punishments do deteriorate we would then start wondering where did we go wrong that we may even be found worthy of such a heaviness and distress,but the silent reminder,made existent among us by life on its own,would keep reminding us about how far we have come to be where we are by now,and the more we do try to pretend nothing of a reminder is with us would be the more further portends of remembrance are sent flowing to us,and the mo
re we do ignore them would be the more our sorrows and punishments do multiply.Life can sometimes be cruel and rough with us so to speak,but it is just a matter of how we do approach it that determine the final conclusions and decisions undertaken by this same life on its own.


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