When natural brotherhood has been abandoned and betrayed.
And as a result of the very same couples with which the physical creatures were blessed in life by the the main facilitator thereof,the feat and destiny of the very same natural creatures wedged into a particular orientation,even though it is not a well-known fact whether that particular orientation proved to be justifiable or condemned in terms of the natural conditions of life itself.But then,the main conspicuous reality remains in the fact that the extent to which such physical creatures took advantage of the given life,especially as far as the difference in their physical masculinity is concerned,ensured the whole universe nothing beside the proliferation of these same physical creatures after their own class and type.And as that particular proliferation saw its advancement and progress,that eventually turned it into an acceptable norm among the very same physical beings,different but traditional cults emerged from among the very same living beings,and throughout the course of life itself such distinctive cultures had the whole universe immersed in them without any promising sign of emergence therefrom.
Eventually,ancestry began,at least for all the right reasons,and then as a result of the very same standing reason no physical creature was found worthy of that emancipation from such bounds and ties of the very same reality of ancestry.Brothers were born and sisters alike,families grew from one level to another,and a scene of universal infestation prevailed on every aspect of life itself,and therefore,no any physical creature was to be found free from such bounds of the pervasive brotherhood,rather compelled to submit themselves thereto.
And here we are now as the natural creatures in these times and after a lot has happened in those times gone by,what we have managed to preserve we did,much as it is that what has been missed has so far escaped our grip,the bounds of brotherhood however are still having us tightly bound,and it can only be through our defiance thereof that we do force ourselves into an unwarranted emancipation therefrom.This is the kind of a forceful emancipation that might see a lot of strange incidents taken to their own peak,and as the oddity and eccentricity thereof do escalate through our actions,the orientation of our own lifestyles might also deviate from what it is supposed to be,with the initially celebrated brotherhood seeing its own demise,much as it is that several efforts to help restore that waning brotherly support might be taken by the concerned portions of existing physical creatures.
Such are revival attempts and initiatives that might be with that possibility to effect a massive shake up among the existing portions of physical identities,so much so that those who had been working hard in their lives,to help do nothing beside the advancement of all such things of destruction of the very same brotherhood, might feel infuriated and provoked to action by those who had been wondering how in life can things of goodness be destroyed and brought to an end,only to be replaced with things of brutality and sheer desolation without any sign of cessation and redemption.
All these after those who had been wondering at the contemporary state of affairs,and then feeling thirsty for just a mere sign of cessation and redemption,suffered from that urge in them to take good advantage of that given sign of redemption and possible reduction of all such things of destruction and desolation,and straightaway work for the restoration of the seemingly waning brotherhood,only to have the common orientation of the contemporary lifestyle influenced into a different and strange twist, much to the frustration and disbelief of those who had been thinking that life will always favor them in their evil deeds of destruction and betrayal of that natural brotherhood.Life is having its own way of doing things,and when what is to be fulfilled is winning that favor of life nothing can stand in between.
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