When what one does is not what the other do.

This given life that we are living is very amazing, and the amazing part of it lies in the nature of its unpredictable dynamics, now that it is true that what will become of us in the future is a secret known to this same life alone, much as it is that what should have been done in the first place to avoid the  current situation is another secret kept deep down there in the depths of this same life by life on its own. The truth about everything is therefore a factual matter owned by this same life on its own, and under its own authority can someone else be given that right to own the very same authorized entity, and whosoever have not been given that authority over the very same entity may claim that ownership only when being moved by the impulse of lust and arrogance, much as it is that the one that may hesitate proclaiming that right of ownership, even when in possession thereof, may be doing so only when subdued by the impulse of cowardice and fear, much to the provocation of the worst only when this same life has been angered by that cowardly attitude of one.
This is the ownership whose effect is difficult to overlook and undermine, or even impossible to be done so, now that in this life the existence of what had been formed in the first place will always be present, and even though that matter may be pushed way beyond its natural perimeters or out of its own context, the natural reason will always prevail, that a certain matter once existed and then something else tried to subdue it afterwards, that's the main reason because of which even that ownership is difficult to deny once given, for even though that candidate may suffer from that urge to refuse and reject that endowment, that silent reminder will always remind them about who are they and what they have naturally been made to possess, and that is another amazing part of this same good life.
But despite this same nature of this good life, the nature of having to execute each and every decision on the basis of a certain dominant reason, there are some of us the physical creatures of the physical universe, who might at one time or another in this same physical life itself find ourselves suffering from this consistent urge in us to try and stand against what this life is naturally meant to be, and it was because of this kind of an urge that a certain state of emergency was proclaimed for some time here, by this same life on its own, when our ancient ancestors had eventually decided to defy the natural facts and embraced the more sophisticated and naturally condemned standards of living, only when the negative impulse had managed to convert them into that degree of lower standards of living, thus ensuring them a poor mental capacity, and for that matter goodness to them represented evil whereas evil represented goodness, and when they had been completely converted and subdued by that impulse they even proposed a permanent survival of such an ideology one generation after the other, and for that matter a state of emergency was declared all over the physical universe itself.
And now, as we are getting on with this same life in these same modern times we are not immune from the influence of such impulses that troubled our own ancestors back then, now that as a result of the prevailing natural reason the physical frames that we do possess has been inherited from them in genetic terms, and therefore, as they were capable of certain things so we are.
But the most amazing part of this same life itself lies in the fact that there is more than one impulse roaming the physical universe itself, and if such opposing impulses are always in search of targets in diverse ways and methods, then
 different results will always materialize. Such are results that do always create a certain influence among components of us the physical creatures, and for that matter that element of difference will always be existent among these same physical creatures, and there is no wonder then that as some of our ancestors back then fell victims of a certain impulse, others were captivated by a different impulse that put them on the crossroads with their fellow men, and this is still the very same reality that this same physical universe is experiencing, for what one believes in will always be different from someone else's belief, much as it is that what one thinks of will always be similar to someone else's thoughts somewhere else, and this is a difference that will always influence that separation among the existing physical creatures.


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