When our elders fail to prove themselves.
Our elders are the pillars of society and automatically the backbone of our lives.Without them our life is gloom and void of any informative experience as far as the past and present is concerned,we won't know how things were before becoming what they are now,neither can we be capable of knowing who we are,and an ultimate danger lies in that failure of personal knowledge,now that in that same failure we won't know what is right or wrong nor what is bad and good.We would just stumble on in our lives in the absence of that critical personal knowledge and understanding.
In the absence of the very same personal knowledge emanating from that failure from our own elders to help groom and feed us with that life experience,the society wherein we are living will also be in danger of disarray and destruction,now that we in turn will fail to properly guide and lead our own children,let alone observe and watch them helplessly as they do get swayed sideways by those relentless temptations.
When the worst has eventually landed on in their lives,with them being incapable of rescuing themselves,and looking back to find out how things came to be,and then realizing the failure of their own parents to feed them with those proper life lessons,then they will justifiably have that right in this life to cast a blame on their own parents,much as it is that such parents of theirs would be having that good reason for that failure:the elders behind them.But then such failure of such elders,or currently the ancestors,should not be used as a permanent excuse at all through which to exonerate such a given failure,now that it is impossible for the truth to get permanently suppressed and erased from the surface of the universe,and therefore,even though such parents might have had a certain moment in their lives wherein that real truth was suppressed against them by those behind them,they still had that natural opportunity and possibility to search and find that very same hidden truth,and after finding it then never hesitate setting the record straight to their own children,thus reproving their wrongful elders albeit in a silent and non-violent manner,just being generous with the real facts so to speak.
Therefore,it is clear that the failure of the elders to fulfill their natural and fundamental mandate,of feeding the little children with realistic and truthful facts,on the basis of fear of the ancestors,who might have wronged the terms of natural mandate given to them by nature on its own,by failing to hand the real facts to their subjects,would then be doing so only as a mean through which to be in pursuit of consequences suffered by such ancestors who might have done the same thing in their time of physical existence,and as is always the case,the little children will be the latest statistic and victims of that failure,unless they do choose to do better than their parents and automatically their ancestors,by simply seeking to search for that real truth from reliable sources throughout their physical existence,and thus rescue their future children from that mess,and only by then can the future generation be free from such crooked ancestral bounds.
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