When young children choose to digress.
There is no any responsible parent that can be happy with their children straying from normal and purposeful life and then straightaway into a life riddled with all manner of ill-disciplined behaviors and bad habits,neither can that parent leave them straying like that,they will always try what they can to help enlighten the life of that less experienced creature with an informational advice and guidance,only so in the hope that that particular child will listen and obey what is being issued.And of course,happiness and sheer gratification shall be with that particular parent at their realization of how obedient to the given advice and guidance their child is,much as it is that deeper feeling of embarrassment shall trouble the very same parent at their realization of how stubborn and contemptuous their child is.
It is just a serious problem the parents of societies are grappling with day in and day out,especially the most worried and concerned as far as the future of their children is concerned.But great lies in the fact that in this life everyone is different,and it is because of that fact that the social dynamics within societies are determined,and as such dynamics do influence their effect the direction of life do also get affected in one way or another.Endless sources of temptations are all over the surface of the modern world,and everyone is exposed to them regardless of age and gender,and therefore little children are not immune from all such sources.And that is where parental advice and guidance comes in as a crucial and more significant essential than anything else,now that through it young children can acquire that immunity from all such unwelcome and unfortunate realities,only if it is a proper and mutual form of guidance rather than the misleading and less educational one.
But what when such children are proving to be somewhat recalcitrant towards the advice and guidance provided to them by such concerned parents,now that it is a difficult thing at times to force someone into something they are not prepared to accept?It is surely hard sometimes to make somebody make choices that are not of their own desires,especially when one has already matured in their life or are under the sway of adolescent stage,and whatever choice they do make will always be in line with the spell of that particular stage,thus rendering the prospective source of advice and guidance helpless in many occasions,until a certain miracle befall that particular rebel on the basis of their choice made as a result of the very same stage,only by then can something different come into their attention.
This is not a usual possibility however,rather the scarce one,where a certain unexpected miracle can change the nature of initial choice made under the influence of adolescent stage,at least for some other children it can work,where one particular youngster would be influenced by that particular miracle,so much so that they then start feeling remorseful and regretful and straightaway turn the direction of their life around while their peers are leading a destructive life characterized by drug addiction,dropping out of school and becoming menacing criminals as such rampant temptations of modern times do lead them into a future of emptiness and uselessness.
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