When death welcomes us to the end.

The life we have been given to live comes with a variety of features, and it does depend how this same life have made its decisions of the day that one particular feature from among others is directed down to us the physical creatures, and as it has been sent we would then find ourselves with no choice but to accept that a new feature of our lives is with us. But it cannot be denied that at times it is that much difficult to make that concession, now that it is not what we do expect out of this life that is always sent to us, for truly speaking, there are some certain features of this same life that would at times have us wishing that we had been given that natural power to control this same life according to our own desires, so much so that we would even tell ourselves that if we had been given such natural powers to do that, we would then make that particular undesirable feature of the day to vanish into thin air without any remaining trace, only to find ourselves frustrated and stuck at our realization that we are nothing of a meaningful weight to this life, rather more of a light matter to be trampled upon thereby.
As frustration and desperation do build up in our lives, following our realization of how powerless we are in controlling this same life, life itself would not be wasting any time as far as the undertaking and execution of its own tasks is concerned, it would be getting ahead with what it is supposed to rather, and do what it has since aimed at in accordance with the prevailing reason at hand, and as we do keep trying to bend things around to fit our own desires the prevailing natural reason will see us through it all.
The final moment would be awaiting us there ahead, we would have already received a good report about it given the experience that this this same would have long instilled in our hearts and minds, we would be wishing, some of us, that that moment of such a nature and form would have not been given that right of existence in this life, all these after having realized how less informed we are about what lies beyond such a final moment, hence our desperate tendency to stand blasphemous against this same life.
But despite our desperate plea against the existence of such a final moment, life would not be taking any excuses at all, rather determined to see things going according to its own plans no matter what our less appreciation and total disinterest, and as the course of time keep creeping and crawling on so would be our days of life as they keep nearing that final moment bit by bit no matter what our wish that we had been given that natural p

As frustration and desperation do build up in our lives, following our realization of how powerless we are in controlling this same life, life itself would not be wasting any time as far as the undertaking and execution of its own tasks is concerned, it would be getting ahead with what it is supposed to rather, and do what it has since aimed at in accordance with the prevailing reason at hand, and as we do keep trying to bend things around to fit our own desires the prevailing natural reason will see us through it all.
The final moment would be awaiting us there ahead, we would have already received a good report about it given the experience that this this same would have long instilled in our hearts and minds, we would be wishing, some of us, that that moment of such a nature and form would have not been given that right of existence in this life, all these after having realized how less informed we are about what lies beyond such a final moment, hence our desperate tendency to stand blasphemous against this same life.
But despite our desperate plea against the existence of such a final moment, life would not be taking any excuses at all, rather determined to see things going according to its own plans no matter what our less appreciation and total disinterest, and as the course of time keep creeping and crawling on so would be our days of life as they keep nearing that final moment bit by bit no matter what our wish that we had been given that natural p
ower to control the dynamics of this same natural life, only to find ourselves compelled to make a concession that little powers has been given to us no matter what our arrogance and empty pride.
Finally some of us would arrive right at the beginning of that final moment, terror would then start troubling our hearts and minds, this lack of knowledge and understanding about what is beyond our final moment, that silent reminder would then start reminding us about how arrogant we used to be when still given that chance to be deeply introspective, and how proud we used to be about ourselves as if we had seen everything, but those would only be the troubles of our own hearts and minds at the realization of how close we have now come to our final moment, and as for this life, it would carry on with its own natural tasks, and to the final moment it would welcome us, and what is beyond that we would then find on our own without any physical right to come back and reveal all. It is just the powers of this same life and what can we do then?


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