When they tell us the truth.
Parents are the pillars of any community and society at large,they are the bright light of the young little children and their source of knowledge and understanding about life itself,they are the backbone of every existing household,and the direction of the family as far as its lifestyle is concerned lies across as the sole responsibility of the very same parents,unless portion of its own offspring choose to rather digress and deviate from the foundational direction thereof laid down by such backbones of that particular household,then nothing untoward can be found in their lives at all.
The provision of advice and guidance also lies across as the sole responsibility of this same people,and in the absence of that same provision the survival of the household itself is doomed and destined to naught,now that in the very same provision lies everything about things to be done and not,and out of the very same provision the future of the household itself will be carved and determined.But then,it will depend what kind of advice and guidance is provided,whether is the one meant to destroy the future of that particular child or help build their future life for the better,now that it is true that every household is different from the one next door,much as it is that every set of rules governing one particular household is different from the one next door,unless such next door neighbors do get inspired by what is going on in their neighborhood and then decide to adjust themselves thereto and straightaway adopt that particular lifestyle,then,what is being done here will be similar to what is being done over there.
There is nothing wrong with the parents having to provide for that proper guidance to their own children,even though what betterment they might be preparing them for through the provision of that proper guidance may differ from what the very same parents themselves experienced when still young,for it is true that some of the parents has been through a lot to become successful in their future lives,and therefore,they should not expect their children,who might have found every good thing available when born,to come and suffer similar harrowing experiences in their lives before achieving that success,rather try hard to open their minds through such a provision of that guidance,so that they can understand that life is not as simple as they might think it is,rather challenging and tempting.
Therefore,misleading the children about what is properly and truly wrong or right is the ultimate parental sin as the leaders of communities and society at large,now that out of their own tendencies to mislead and misinform their children they betray both their future and society at large in that way,now that there is no any builder who can be boastful about their profession unless they know they are dealing with their building assignments properly every time one particular client has requested their services,unless that particular builder is obsessed with deception and propaganda should it be found out that they are being boastful about shoddy work and incompetent services they are providing for their prospective clients.
Who are the parents going to blame then in the future after having realized how desolate and messy their communities and society at large has become,only as a result of the wrongful advice and guidance they had initially fed up their children with?
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