When we reject our comfort.
Life itself is full of loads of endless comfort,much as it is in case of challenges and hardships,it is just how it is,and none of us do really know whether this is how things were naturally meant to be,or if this is how life is supposed to be.They just happen such realities throughout the course of life and time,and the reason behind all these things is a secret that is known only to life itself,and maybe it can just reveal all to the one found worthy of that should it only wish to do so or just hide all permanently from everyone else.It knows and we don't know,ours is just to get on with this life and observe what is coming next,and from there we can decide what next step to take based on realities presented to us by this same life on its own.Or what can we do then?Nothing surely!!
Every challenge and hardship presented to us by this same life does not come without the presence of an alternative through which to properly deal with that particular problem,same as it is that to each and every question in this life an answer will always be there,and it will only be a matter of how one is sensitive towards that particular alternative to subsequently achieve their victory against such a harrowing trouble,much as it is in the achievement of an answer to a stressful question.
The good advantage taken of that given alternative,by the one sensitive to it,will always ensure the protagonist that happy ending in their life,much as it is that the tendency to ignore and undermine the very same given opportunity will always secure one nothing beside a regretful ending and distress.However,given the nature of this life and its dynamics,temptations will always be there on the sidelines,awaiting the weaker one to overpower,and as the less sensitive towards that given alternative against such troublesome temptations do get more and more ignorant,the very same roaring temptations will see them through,and when they have completely been consumed thereby,they won't even find another existing alternative anymore aside of their complete submission thereto,especially after having been shown that alternative in the first place by this life and then chose to rather defy and scorn it,much as it is that the one that had always been in pursuit of that alternative against such ravaging trials would then be rapturous at their realization thereof.
The observer of that sorrowful incident will always feel sympathetic to the victims thereof,especially if that particular observer themselves are of a good and humane heart even when they are not closely attached to the victim,and also when that particular victim is closely attached to that particular observer in terms of genetics.As they do observe all those harrowing incidents unfolding,they will be reminded of this life about how hard they had tried in their lives to lure the current victim over into a safer haven against the prowling temptation,only to be heckled and called names by the very same victim,only when life was still on the side of that particular victim so as to give them that chance to properly face the prowling temptations,only to take the given opportunity for granted while undermining the standing powers of that particular temptation, and by the time the current victim start realizing how foolish and contemptuous they had been in their lives,it would already be of late and all the initially given opportunities taken away,and regrets would then trouble them,much as it is that sorrow and pain would ravage the heart and mind of the loving and sympathetic observer.
It is our weakness we the physical creatures, we are being troubled thereby from time to time in our lives,and when that chance to be strong and responsible has naturally been given to us we would then ignore it while taking all the goodness for granted,only to come and be blasphemous when the sweeping temptations do gain momentum in our lives.The most dangerous aspect of life lies in the fact that it does not accept any excuses or treat one particular issue with favor and speciality when its time to treat that particular incident with severity has come,it would just deal with it the way it is supposed to irrespective of any reaction and judgement emanating from us the physical creatures,and even though we might complain about all the things given to us by this same life on the basis of our initial commitments,there shall be no any available amount of miracle and magic that can help distance us from what we have initially done,or bless us with the gifts we don't deserve,unless we do turn ourselves around and become who we are supposed to,then we can eventually come to jump and sing that life is on our side,now that it is because of the nature of our own deeds that this life decides a thing or two about us,and the more we reject the requirements of good living will be the more that comfort is taken away from us.
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