
Showing posts from November, 2021


GOING ON. When a little gets longer. The world where we are living is filled with plenty of activities made realistic of us the physical beings,and we the physical beings on the other hand are of different behaviors and characteristics,and is out of such diverse behaviors and characteristics of ours that this same universe wherein we are living is filled with such different activities.But despite the nature of our diversity and our capacity to fulfill activities of diverse characteristics,the life we are celebrating and living is not without limitations and restrictions,and it is out of them such limitations and restrictions,that our capacity to be who we are supposed to be and never be what we are not supposed to be is calculated and measured,much as it is that out of every calculation and measurement undertaken the level of our performance is assumed and determined,and out of that final assumption undertaken the final decision concerning what we are worthy of would then be carried ou...


  INTERNAL DETERMINATION. The capacity to link words with actions. The human being is another creature gifted with that capacity to express the nature of its feelings through the spoken words of its own mouth;but even though this is a natural phenomenon it is not that it is impossible for this same candidate of this same gift to take advantage of some other existing measures and means of expression to make the nature of their feelings known and observed;whereas it is not that that indemnity from linking the spoken words with the committed actions has been preserved  for this same candidate of this same decent and most highest gift of life;not at all, it will rather;this same candidate;always be under such bounds to fulfill that task of linking its spoken words with its committed actions.This is the most difficult task to fulfill however;now that in it lies the measurement of the extent of one's capacity to be honest and loyal to every word that they do speak and say;and that h...


CLEAR MIND. The ability to spot and utilize crucial life opportunities. Life itself is a reality that is filled with a lot of opportunities to take advantage of,and each given opportunity do come with its own challenges and requirements for the assurance of that final moment of success and victory as far as the initial goal is concerned.It is not everyone however,in this life who is of that capacity to spot such opportunities every time they are given,nor utilize them properly when they start showing themselves up.Usually failure to properly utilize such opportunities when they do come along one's way leads to a disastrous ending;and when that unwelcome ending do come creeping into one's life one wo u ld then wonder how come and why such a situation;there now deep personal introspection would be necessary for that particular victim of carelessness;now that in the ab s ence of that personal introspection that understanding about factors behind that particular person's sorrow...


CONTEMPT CREPT IN. The preparation of the future starts today. Personal destruction is a perfect ammunition and weapon with which to completely destroy one's own future and render it useless and wasted away, and when this same weapon alongside its ammunition has so far been used by the main character themselves,the extent of damage to have ever been inflicted upon the very same protagonist's life would then remain irreversible and impossible to erase or undo.This is the kind of a phenomenon that do make it's way into one's life through many tactical methods,and when it is still at its preliminary stage it may seem as if it is a wise decision to entertain it and a foolish decision to condemn and completely reject it.As the main targeted victim of this same phenomenal virus do get successfully overwhelmed by the spell thereof,nothing will remain in place to help anyone trying to successfully save the main victim from that conjured spell,now that as a factor of the very sa...


POWER OF LIFE.  Difficult things to avoid. To each and every question there is always an answer in this life,much as it is that to each and every committed deed an eventual consequence and benefit will follow,and to each and every day set up for the fulfillment of something else that final moment will always come,and when it had come nothing will stop it,let alone observe as all that had been decided in the beginn ing do get let loose.The substitute for that final moment can never be a success  in terms of availability;much as it is that the avoidance of those final consequences and benefits associated with that particular moment;and based on the initial commitments and deeds won't be a success;unless certain means and efforts of compliance with what was initially necessary for the possibility of an escapement are resorted to and fulfilled;no matter after how long the delay and reluctance to comply;maybe then can that pity be preserved by the facilitator of all those unwelcome...


BLANK MINDS. The enemy that drains our courage. The impulse of desperation;beside hatred and jealousy;is just another dangerous virus that do tend to consume our lives;and as it is busy working its magic in us we would not see any betterment coming in our future life;rather all  the dark and gloom;neither would we be able to see all the goodness of having to be alive and gentle towards those around us;rather feel desperate and cruel towards others while wondering what will eventually become of us;feeling somehow confused and lifeless;or even thirsty for a certain knowledge of the unknown while wondering where to acquire it and how;or who will feed us with it and when.As it do get on with its consumption of our courage we would then fail seeing all the goodness and progressive opportunities this same life had so far preserved for us;rather become somehow blasphemous and quarrelsome while wishing  we were not alive and seeing what is taking place.We would be drained completely b...


JEALOUSY. The problems ravaging our hearts. As the physical creatures of the physical universe we have been created with both the heart and mind,the most crucial parts of our physical bodies that do determine our every physical activity,now that out of their contents we can hate and love,kill or treat with gentleness, and even to respect or treat with utter contempt.As part of the capacities of the two;jealousy and hatred is existent among us the physical creatures,troubling and challenging our everyday commitments.This couple is so powerful so much so that our lifestyles are deeply characterized by them more than th ey should in the world of love and respect. As we do get on with our lives we would at times come across certain experiences that do call for our internal strength and mental constructiveness,the two main components that are an epitome of conscious and responsible living,now that in their absence we are bound for a life tha t is void of true meaning and proper direction,w...


  SPOILED CHILDREN. What we prepare is what we will observe. The reality that our children are our property as parents,only on physical matters,can never change in anyway whatsoever,and even though we as the parents can seek any available measures and tactics;through which to deny our responsibility of having to provide for that mentoring advice and guidance to these same little researchers;searching for more information concerning how to deal with the existing life challenges proving to be somehow frustrating to them,still in real life that blame will always be cast on to our backs naturally,every time one particular wrongful deed is committed of them on a mistaken belief that what they are doing is right,unless when that particular wrongful deed was repeated on the basis of intention based on their stubborn attitudes,and only by then can our indemnity from that natural blame be assured and straightaway be cast on to their own backs to personally suffer the consequences of their c...


CONFLICT OF INTERESTS. The invisible battle in our lives. We the physical creatures of the physical universe has been created in a certain amazing manner that do compel us to be of one behavior or the other,and as a result of the manner in which we were created,and the behaviors we are capable of,we are able to conduct one activity after another.But despite all such capacities we were created with,our physical life is based on certain impulses that do determine the direction of our physical activities,much as it is that the nature of our physical character and identity is determined by the activities we do tend to commit ourselves into from time to time. Without the influence of such powerful impulses our physical life itself is without any direction or meaning,now that within such powers of theirs lies the capacity to monitor and supervise our every deed, and in their every supervision of our every deed lies every aspect of our every personal character and identity. They are having th...


  CAPTURED PERMANENTLY.  The consequences of our heartless deeds. The physical universe wherein we are living is a subject of two different impulses that are always in pursuit of any prospective weakest and pliable link to capture and influence;and as a result of their existence within the atmosphere of our permanent location;we are therefore not immune to any kind of influence that they may be capable of;and it will depend how strong or weak we might be to a particular radiation generated by a particular impulse at a given time and period;and then based on the extent of our strengths and weaknesses we would then behave ourselves in a particular manner that is in line with that radiation of either impulse even though in resistance towards the other.Such a radiation is also compatible with that capacity and power to produce and yield consequences for that particular subject who might have been long captured by either impulse;and when such a benefit has already been ...


DEFIANCE OF NORMALCY. The destruction of our precious lives. The fact that life is a reality that is based on limitations and restrictions cannot be denied at all,in fact,just about anything that can be thought of there there is always the starting point of that matter and the final part thereof,and when the barriers and limitations of that final part has been reached nothing beyond can be successful,unless when the protagonist themselves  is in pursuit of the worst;then ahead with their forceful activity they can just proceed;and what they would be searching for  through their advancements they would eventually find awaiting them right there, and great shall be in the hour wherein what they had been searching for visits them.One part of our weakness,as the physical creatures,has always been our tendency to overlook the need for us to be obedient of the natural limitations dominant in our physical world,we have been choosing to defy them in most cases,giving ourselves powers o...