The preparation of the future starts today.

Personal destruction is a perfect ammunition and weapon with which to completely destroy one's own future and render it useless and wasted away, and when this same weapon alongside its ammunition has so far been used by the main character themselves,the extent of damage to have ever been inflicted upon the very same protagonist's life would then remain irreversible and impossible to erase or undo.This is the kind of a phenomenon that do make it's way into one's life through many tactical methods,and when it is still at its preliminary stage it may seem as if it is a wise decision to entertain it and a foolish decision to condemn and completely reject it.As the main targeted victim of this same phenomenal virus do get successfully overwhelmed by the spell thereof,nothing will remain in place to help anyone trying to successfully save the main victim from that conjured spell,now that as a factor of the very same spell the main victim would then become stubborn and resistant to any effort of rescue mission;and as the main character becomes resistant to any attempted rescue mission;the prospective rescuer themselves would then be left with no choice but to just watch as the life of the main character is being led to a future of destruction and uselessness by the main protagonist themselves;and tears of sorrow and disgust would then secretively fill the eyes of the prospective rescuer as that hurtful pain ravages their heart deep inside there at their realization of this same embarrassing experience.Destruction would have landed on the lives of their beloved gems;no wonder then that such painful experience deep down their heart.It is too bad;really too bad and disheartening indeed.Man?
The problem itself is basically domestic and then gradually advances to become  societal;after which it is accepted as a normal occurrence in most cases;and after that secretive and silent approval it then becomes more of an accepted culture and tradition;and that is where the main danger lies in.
The state of most of our little children is of a disturbing and worrisome nature;and the main problem lies within the nature of the historical era and period they themselves and society at large are exposed to;now that within the nature of that particular historical era lies a certain inspiration that do influence these same little children;and society at large;in one way or the other;whereas the ultimate danger lies within the extent of openness with which these same little children do embrace the culture and tradition coming with that particular historical era;for out of that open embrace their hearts and minds do get solidified in a particular manner rendering them stubborn and uncontrollable.
In this kind of a situation the role played by the parents is of great importance,now that  out of their failure to play that important role such little children,who might at that time find themselves exposed to such irresistible temptations,may find it difficult to appropriately avoid the subsequent disastrous consequences,but it may still depend on the other hand how serious do such children consider the importance of the availability of their own parents in those trying times,for out of their failure to count on the availability of those parents of theirs their victory against such ravaging temptations won't materialize at all,at least in most cases,rather see them falling prey to such disgusting realities.But it will still depend on the other hand,however,what kind of parental role is being played by those supposed to participate in the fulfillment thereof,now that the future direction of the concerned children's lifestyle will always depend on the nature of the initial parental role played,should only that particular child choose to heed that particular parental advice and guidance provided for.
Academic responsibilities would be awaiting the concerned children,and the trying challenge would also be awaiting them right there so as to test their level of respect for their physical mentors and supervisors in the form of parents,only if the concerned mentors and supervisors had been feeding the concerned physical subjects that proper advice and good parental guidance,now that out of their respect for that good parental advice and guidance their victory against the elusive and destructive temptations will be attained and assured,much alike that out of their failure to heed that provided good parental guidance shall they fall victims of such harrowing and destructive temptations, hovering the atmospheres of their surroundings.
Drug peddlers would be ransacking the surroundings of this same youngsters,so as part of their evil and wicked missions of prowling for any prospective target to exploit and victimize,and the initial failure of us the parents to groom our little children the proper way would then leave them in a state of confusion concerning which life to follow or not,much as it is that the proper advice and guidance initially provided to them can help them to successfully resist such destructive temptations every time they do encounter them.But it will depend how deep is their submission to proper advice and guidance provided,much as it is that their contempt for us their parents will eventually see them becoming a green pasture for such prowling evil and wicked predators.



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