When a little gets longer.

The world where we are living is filled with plenty of activities made realistic of us the physical beings,and we the physical beings on the other hand are of different behaviors and characteristics,and is out of such diverse behaviors and characteristics of ours that this same universe wherein we are living is filled with such different activities.But despite the nature of our diversity and our capacity to fulfill activities of diverse characteristics,the life we are celebrating and living is not without limitations and restrictions,and it is out of them such limitations and restrictions,that our capacity to be who we are supposed to be and never be what we are not supposed to be is calculated and measured,much as it is that out of every calculation and measurement undertaken the level of our performance is assumed and determined,and out of that final assumption undertaken the final decision concerning what we are worthy of would then be carried out.And that is where we would then know all about who and what we are,and how far we had gone in this physical life as far as our commitments and deeds are concerned.

What we have been found worthy of will never,in any way whatsoever,change from what it is,unless we do choose to rather opt for some other means of performance,then what we had initially done can be declared as not existent any more,at least as a matter of the understanding that,whatsoever living organism do choose to deviate from what they had mistakenly done,is worthy of gracious mercy coming from the other party against which that wrongful and hurtful deed had initially been committed,and through that natural understanding what had been done would then be declared undone,even though in a real world of commitments and activities,and in life itself there is no any committed deed that can be undone.This is the kind of understanding that had been preserved ever since the formation of the physical universe was idealized by life itself,now that it was understood that given the existence of diverse impulses that had been given that right of existence in the very same physical universe,and the nature of the position occupied by the very same world as far as the classification of physical life is concerned,it might happen that one fateful day the very same physical world falls under the spell of a certain impulse with negative consequences,after which a certain physical ritual that is in line with the standards of physical life will have to be performed,only as a mean through which to exorcise the negative impact and outcome of that brutal impulse,so that that particular deed of negativity committed in the first place can come to be purged,only after the performance of that crucial and most essential ritual,failing which no understanding would then be preserved.

So it is clear that;as that same mercy was preserved for the physical universe at large,by life itself;no any existing physical organism of any kind whatsoever is free from the performance of that particular ritual;decided independently by life itself and in line with the extent and quality of that particular wrongful  deed that might have been committed by a certain living organism;for as long as that particular physical organism has been found guilty;by life itself;of circumvention and contravention of a certain set of the fundamental laws governing the physical universe and everything in it;then the purity and lost status of normalcy of that particular creature won't be resuscitated at all;up until the performance of that ritual;recommended by life itself;has been fulfilled.And only by then can that missing purity and normalcy be recovered and exceeding profanity purged.

But despite the formulation of all such things of mercy and the conditions surrounding them;the possibility of the standing powers of certain impulses was never ruled  out at all;now that it was understood that certain portions of existing physical creatures;given the occupation of physical organisms as far as physical power is concerned;might find it difficult and almost impossible to resist the influence of certain operational impulses;luring them into a life of circumvention and contravention of certain sets of rules governing this same physical universe;and given the weakness of those physical creatures that might have been completely overcome by such operational impulses;stubborn behaviors and inflexible attitudes might then be consolidated in such physical beings under the conquest of such operational impulses.And as a result of such consolidated  stubbornness and inflexibility such creatures might then become allergic to such fundamental laws governing the very same physical universe wherein they are all existing;and thus make them rebellious and quarrelsome;and for that matter a certain conclusion had to be arrived at;by life on its own;concerning how to deal with such rebellious and quarrelsome living beings.



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