What we prepare is what we will observe.
The reality that our children are our property as parents,only on physical matters,can never change in anyway whatsoever,and even though we as the parents can seek any available measures and tactics;through which to deny our responsibility of having to provide for that mentoring advice and guidance to these same little researchers;searching for more information concerning how to deal with the existing life challenges proving to be somehow frustrating to them,still in real life that blame will always be cast on to our backs naturally,every time one particular wrongful deed is committed of them on a mistaken belief that what they are doing is right,unless when that particular wrongful deed was repeated on the basis of intention based on their stubborn attitudes,and only by then can our indemnity from that natural blame be assured and straightaway be cast on to their own backs to personally suffer the consequences of their contempt and stubbornness.
Even though such children of ours may suffer from that urge within them,of having to seek to resist and undermine the provision of that particular guidance based on our acquired,or so,given life experiences,only as result of their contemptuous and rebellious attitudes,that truth will always remain as original as it has always been,that they have not been gifted with that matured life experience as yet,rather to attain that experience for some time in their future and then decide the direction of their life based on that particular experience,much as it is that even we ourselves as their parents had been young for some time here in our lives,void of that matured experience,sought after it from our contemporary parents,received the provision thereof from them,and thereafter decided which life to follow and how to utilize the given guidance,whether to oppose it for various reasons or accept it for yet another reason,but no matter what our acceptance of that provided guidance or opposition thereof,of the final benefits we attained,much as we would have suffered from the final consequences thereof.
One day while I was busy conducting my task,there came this woman;a wife of my friend;and talkative as she is she just chose to break up on a particular gossip;actually a serious topic let me choose to say so.Well;I may hasten to say so but to me that was a disturbing story even though I don't know how she might have felt about it on her own.As she conveyed the matter I came to understand the seriousness of the problem that we as the parents are having at times;our tendency to spoil our children and then afterwards wonder what is it that might have happened to ensure a particular habit of theirs,or triggered a certain harrowing incident as a result of their negative conduct.We do tend to forget in most cases that what we do teach our children is what they end up becoming,and once what we had been teaching them about has so far been solidified in their hearts and minds,they then become inflexible to some other new life lessons or different form and type of advice and guidance,they would have long adopted the initial lessons as their foundation of their lifestyle and therefore perceive the new lessons to be strange and less entertaining, and when they do behave in a certain manner characterized by negative attitudes and poorly-disciplined manners,that do make them easy targets of agents of negative lifestyles,we would then wonder how come,or when some other people start hating and condemning their negativity we would then rush into unproven conclusions that we are being hated by the people,without having checked with our lifestyles firstly and then tried them against the normal standards of proper conduct and good manners.
I remember one day when I and my wife were staying somewhere there in the suburbs,well, that was not our place so to speak,no,not at all,we were paying for rent rather,just tenants honestly speaking.Then it happened that we just decided to bring our children in for several days, so that they can also get to know how it feels like having to live that suburban life,and of course,we were not the only tenants,no,not at all,some companions of ours were there also,and they would also bring their children at times,but why do I get to forget the land lady herself?She was one part of the union also,complete with her family,females only and no male character.Now, my wife,who is now my ex,had this kind of a problem of loving to be defensive of little children,especially ours,so much so that she would not mind having to accuse someone who might be found trying to discipline them,no matter how silly and mischievous the children might have been found to be.So that particular Sunday morning,when everyone was around,the children themselves,as natural as it has always been,found it better to spend their leisure time playing with the most expensive and precious resource;water.Well;I could not just rush blaming them for that childish behavior of theirs that day;no;not at all;I mean I understood they are young and to them life is so simple.But I just could not;on the other hand;condone the fact that their mother chose to be defensive of them and straightaway lied to the landlady when she asked about the sudden moisture that had amazingly covered a huge portion of her yard.Such lies made me angry surely;so much so that I then chose to tell the landlady all the facts behind that seeming water spillage;much to the anger of my wife in turn.
So;as this wife of my friend came spilling all the gossip to me that morning I started realizing how deep this problem of being defensive to our children is;for in most cases even when we do know that what they do or have done is wrong,we would then just choose to defend and protect them under false evidences and mounting lies while accusing others for no any existing reason at all;and when the end result of that particular treatment of our children proves to be somehow disastrous and destructive for them and us in the future we would then wonder how come and why;only when being ashamed to accept our negative advice and guidance we have been feeding our children with.
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