The invisible battle in our lives.
We the physical creatures of the physical universe has been created in a certain amazing manner that do compel us to be of one behavior or the other,and as a result of the manner in which we were created,and the behaviors we are capable of,we are able to conduct one activity after another.But despite all such capacities we were created with,our physical life is based on certain impulses that do determine the direction of our physical activities,much as it is that the nature of our physical character and identity is determined by the activities we do tend to commit ourselves into from time to time.
Without the influence of such powerful impulses our physical life itself is without any direction or meaning,now that within such powers of theirs lies the capacity to monitor and supervise our every deed, and in their every supervision of our every deed lies every aspect of our every personal character and identity. They are having the power to control and rule the physical life,and unto them the physical universe is beholden.Within the aspect of our every deed lies the nature and shape of the common status quo,much as it is that out of that same famous state of affairs popularized by the aspect of our deeds lies the common culture and tradition of our established lifestyles,and as a result of that popularized culture and tradition of our lifestyles our surroundings and society at large do get carved and groomed into a certain shape,in terms of behavioral attitudes and direction,much as it is that every behavioral attitude and direction of our popular lifestyles would have been so as a result of the impulsive influence of a particular impulse.
The benefits that we do get out of our physical life,and the consequences we are normally suffering from,are so as a result of the adopted and popularized cultural traditions of our famous lifestyles,much as it is that every adopted and popularized cultural lifestyle would have been so as a result of the impulsive influence of a particular impulse,and as that particular impulse do wield its powerful influence against us the weaker physical mortals,we would then find ourselves being left with nothing to help beside obedience and submission,unless the capacity of resistance is ensured us through the powers of another opposing impulse, and only by then our emancipation from the grip of that particular famous impulse can be assured
The complaints and quarrels that we do have in our lives,as a result of dissatisfaction emanating from our daily experiences and contemporary state of affairs,can never help in anyway whatsoever to release us from the grip and spell of popular consequences,nor can our blasphemous assertions against life itself assure us that emancipation from the benefits of our initial commitments and deeds,rather help provoking this life to proliferate such consequences much more than they do currently stand, now that our emancipation from all such ravaging and torturous benefits lies within our complete rejection of the influence of a certain impulse that might have led us to where we may currently find ourselves in,and until then such a spell of such consequences exclusive to that particular impulse will have us completely affected and thrust into the extremes of life.
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