Difficult things to avoid.

To each and every question there is always an answer in this life,much as it is that to each and every committed deed an eventual consequence and benefit will follow,and to each and every day set up for the fulfillment of something else that final moment will always come,and when it had come nothing will stop it,let alone observe as all that had been decided in the beginning do get let loose.The substitute for that final moment can never be a success  in terms of availability;much as it is that the avoidance of those final consequences and benefits associated with that particular moment;and based on the initial commitments and deeds won't be a success;unless certain means and efforts of compliance with what was initially necessary for the possibility of an escapement are resorted to and fulfilled;no matter after how long the delay and reluctance to comply;maybe then can that pity be preserved by the facilitator of all those unwelcome consequences;in this case life itself; and then be directed unto the main culprit themselves;in this case humanity itself. 

The location whereupon all those benefits and consequences of that particular final moment should materialize and be observed can never change for any other after all;neither can what is aimed at that particular location be diverted to any other geographic destination different from the main target  itself;now that that particular decision might be proven disloyal and inhumanely unfaithful in the eye of the facilitator themselves;in this case life itself;the reason why all that that particular location is worthy of will have to be directed straight into its own surroundings.

The people upon whom all such benefits and consequences will have to be fulfilled and finalized will never ever;in any way whatsoever;be mistaken for anyone else beside themselves;now that that kind of decision might be proven to be in conflict with the initial basics whereupon the facilitator themselves;in this case life itself;had laid down the rules and regulations that do determine both the direction and traditional culture of physical life itself;the reason why such physical creatures worthy of all such benefits and consequences of that particular final moment won't be mistaken for anyone else beside themselves;much as it is that all such final benefits and consequences directed to such physical creatures would have been done so by the facilitator themselves;in this case life itself;based on the nature of the initial commitments and deeds of the concerned physical creatures.And as for a mean of escapement from such final benefits and consequences is concerned it can never be found at all;unless what had to be done in the first place to avoid that particular moment is remembered;committed and fulfilled afresh by the main culprit themselves;in this case  humanity itself;and only by then can the facilitator themselves;in this case life itself;change their mind and direct what is bearable and tolerable to the former culprit and new compliant;in this case humanity itself.

The people bound to live by example and straightaway resemble that mean of escapement from such harrowing benefits and consequences will never be those who are not supposed to be and never be what they are not supposed to be;much as it is that those who are not what they claim to be will never in any way whatsoever become what they may be claiming to be;now that it will be understandable to the facilitator themselves;in this case life itself;that the spoken word will always remain empty and useless until proven through observable and truthful actions;and as those who are supposed to be something tries very hard to resist that natural compulsion or feel somehow reluctant to fulfill it;then the facilitator themselves;in this case life itself;will see to it that they do get mercilessly dragged and pushed into a forceful act of compliance;only for the assurance of the fulfillment of what should be.Life itself is very deep;the reason why patience is necessary.




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