The ability to spot and utilize crucial life opportunities.
Life itself is a reality that is filled with a lot of opportunities to take advantage of,and each given opportunity do come with its own challenges and requirements for the assurance of that final moment of success and victory as far as the initial goal is concerned.It is not everyone however,in this life who is of that capacity to spot such opportunities every time they are given,nor utilize them properly when they start showing themselves up.Usually failure to properly utilize such opportunities when they do come along one's way leads to a disastrous ending;and when that unwelcome ending do come creeping into one's life one would then wonder how come and why such a situation;there now deep personal introspection would be necessary for that particular victim of carelessness;now that in the absence of that personal introspection that understanding about factors behind that particular person's sorrows and woeful ending won't be attained at all;let alone more of hallucinations and superstitious inferences.
I remember one day when I was in my place and there came this devoted Christian,an old acquaintance of mine so to speak,we had a serious discussion revolving around this kind of topic.We all agreed on the importance of having to know what one is really looking for in their life,and then be prepared to utilize all the good opportunities when they do show themselves in life so as to try and make things work,cos in most cases opportunities comes only once,and when their duration has expired one would then find themselves in tough times and missing such opportunities. We agreed that the most common problem troubling us the people of African descent is to recall certain incidents of witchcraft every time bad things do happen to us,we would feel,for most of us,ashamed and shyly reluctant to analyze and assess our lifestyles so as an attempt to see if there is nothing wrong that we are doing to serve as a factor of our disastrous experiences.And mostly,out of our understanding about the carelessness we might have entertained in our lives,we would then feel ashamed to accept our wrongful behaviors due to a sense of guilt consuming us down there,rather seek to search for a scapegoat or a false pretext so as a mean of escapement from the real truth behind our current state of affairs.
Out of this type of problem,where one would fail spotting the naturally given opportunities,or fail utilizing them every time they do show themselves up,contemptuous children are seen ending up in the streets doing drugs and all manner of imaginable crime,only after having failed obeying the good advice and proper guidance provided for in the first place by their own parents,and when life had eventually decided to seize all such good opportunities that had been initially given to them such stubborn children would then start blaming their parents for no reason at all,only when ashamed to accept their wrongful beginnings.And even some adult people who had chosen to adopt street life as their mean for survival are no strangers to this type of problem;I mean; if one can seek to trace down the factors behind their eventual destiny one could be amazed to find out that most of those people has had such precious opportunities given to them once in their life time;squandered them while taking them for granted;and when this life decided enough is enough about them;seized the given opportunities and then passed them over to the more careful and responsible,the most careless and irresponsible from which such good opportunities had been seized by life itself would then be left stranded;hopeless;frustrated and ashamed to accept their careless and irresponsible beginnings;and usually such people are having that tendency to blame some other people for their self-inflicted woes.And by the time this acquaintance of mine had left my place,we had already agreed over the importance of having to be respectful of every opportunity that this good life do hand down from time to time.
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