The consequences of our heartless deeds.
The physical universe wherein we are living is a subject of two different impulses that are always in pursuit of any prospective weakest and pliable link to capture and influence;and as a result of their existence within the atmosphere of our permanent location;we are therefore not immune to any kind of influence that they may be capable of;and it will depend how strong or weak we might be to a particular radiation generated by a particular impulse at a given time and period;and then based on the extent of our strengths and weaknesses we would then behave ourselves in a particular manner that is in line with that radiation of either impulse even though in resistance towards the other.Such a radiation is also compatible with that capacity and power to produce and yield consequences for that particular subject who might have been long captured by either impulse;and when such a benefit has already been assured that particular subject the prevailing effect thereof can never be returned nor avoided;unless that particular subject choose to rather give up their association with that particular impulse for another;and only by then can the new period arrive in the existence of that particular subject.
For some time here in my life I have been studying the developments of our current state of affairs,and then wondered how come and why things can just be as they are;well;that kind of question had been troubling me before I could even acquire that experience about this reality called life;but I am not here to say that I have acquired the entirety of that necessary life experience by now;no;not at all;at least a little bit and still struggling for more.So;after the duration of a particular course of life I came to understand a little about why things are as they stand by now,the power of impulses operational among us as the physical living organisms.Well,it is a serious challenge in this life to come across the daily news that are always of an appeasing and pleasant nature,without having to hear some harrowing facts about one particular issue or the other,and the problem always lies within our bestial commitments and deeds, the operational impulses are waging a serious battle among themselves and as result,our lives are in no exemption from the conflicting activities generated by these same powerful impulses.
These are the powerful impulses whose effect can make one to love and respect one another,the effect with the capacity to give one an eye to see how important the other is in this reality called life,effect with the capacity to instill that understanding in one so as to make them understand how precious this life is,and how important is it that this same life should be treated with devoted consideration and clear consciousness. But then it will just depend what is the nature of that particular impulse in operation when that particular target do get influenced thereby,and how powerful is the opposing impulse to the one in main mission,and how responsive is the main target to either operational impulse, and no matter what response of the main target to the most powerful operational impulse,or what impulse is submerging which one,the eventual benefit and consequence suitable to the main correspondent of a particular impulse will always be preserved.
We have been brutal and hateful towards each other,and as we have been keeping our deep secrets about our true self deep down there,we have been foolishly feeling confident and comfortable that what is secretly kept in the depths of our hearts and corners of our minds will always be more of a permanently private matter,and by doing so we have been fooling ourselves by overlooking the fact that our final commitments and deeds will always serve as a source of exposure to our true identity and personal character,our domestic and social lifestyles can serve as a perfect example,we have been killing one another and shedding blood in the name of love,displaying our capacity to be extremely cruel and evil towards others while pretending to be gentle and loving,and therefore,unless we do seek to stand in opposition against the driving impulse that is leading us to such deeds,and then submit ourselves to the influences of a different operational impulse,our domestic and social lifestyle will never change from the mess that it is into something better and more human.
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