The enemy that drains our courage.

The impulse of desperation;beside hatred and jealousy;is just another dangerous virus that do tend to consume our lives;and as it is busy working its magic in us we would not see any betterment coming in our future life;rather all  the dark and gloom;neither would we be able to see all the goodness of having to be alive and gentle towards those around us;rather feel desperate and cruel towards others while wondering what will eventually become of us;feeling somehow confused and lifeless;or even thirsty for a certain knowledge of the unknown while wondering where to acquire it and how;or who will feed us with it and when.As it do get on with its consumption of our courage we would then fail seeing all the goodness and progressive opportunities this same life had so far preserved for us;rather become somehow blasphemous and quarrelsome while wishing  we were not alive and seeing what is taking place.We would be drained completely by then.

As the opportunities do get unveiled and new life experiences encountered;we would then struggle very hard trying to familiarize ourselves with such new times;even though  feeling somehow confused about where to start and how;or what life to follow and reject.We would surely  be seeing no true meaning of this same life;void of that internal strength;cast into a state of emergency in our lives and in a serious need for that act of redemption coming from any available rescue agent;if ever possible;or risk having to watch our  lives vanishing and being drained into obscurity.Desperation itself is a dangerous but invisible and silent enemy of humanity;it can make one lose that personal confidence;or make one doubt the quality of life they themselves are living if compared to others;and even make them blind to see that what they are actually searching for is what they do possess;and as it does effect and inspire such an influence in one's life one would then feel it would have been better that one had not been given this life to live in the first place.

But no matter how dangerous and destructive this same desperation might be;greatness will always lie in the fact that the truthfulness of life itself and its true meaning will never change from what it is supposed to  be into something different and unnatural;even though  in the eye of the victim of that dangerous enemy it might seem as if that truthfulness is non-existent.This is truthfulness  that would have long been located in the uttermost corners and depths of this same life itself;compelling the main character to dig deep into such corners and depths so as to subsequently land on that truth.And as that effort is being undertaken;the effort  to familiarize one's self with such ravaging challenges encountered as this life do  proceed;the power of desperation would be conjuring whatever possible spell it can in its desperate attempt to derail the main character from their missions of responsible  and confident living;and greatness will always lie in the day when that main character had eventually attained that courage in them;to bravely and heroically stand against such troublesome tactics of this same dangerous temptation;and their new personal character and identity shall be proven through the victory effected against that temptation;and as they do celebrate and cherish that victory gotten against that enemy,joyfulness shall pervade their heart and mind at their memories of how cowardly desperate they used to be in this good life of opportunities and truthfulness.



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