GIVEN POWERS. When nature has favored the impulses. Now, the impulses of the physical universe have received natural endowments much higher in value than the physical structure itself, such are the gifts that are powerful than the capacities of the physical structure. They can grab the physical frame with but one hand such impulses, drag it throughout the surfaces of the physical universe and then cast it wherever they may be wishing to do so, without anything remaining for the same structure to help escape the powerful spell conjured and generated by the same impulses. They can rule the physical universe. The physical structure will always remain beholden to them without any sign of reprieve, one generation after the other, they will remain owing these same impulses something else, that is the reason such impulses would keep pursuing them wherever they go. They are not free from them, instead, they are the captives of these same impulses. The reluctance of components of these same liv...