When what is being sought after seems inaccessible.

Now, the miracles of life itself are quite amazing and innumerable, they are breathtaking and wonderful, extremely complicated, and difficult to ignore. They are having their own times to flourish and spread throughout, life has given them that power and right to do so. No one can stop them when they are being shed down, now that power to let this one thing happen belongs to the same life itself, therefore, if the time for this one reality to be fulfilled has then, nothing will succeed in stopping this same life from conducting its own tasks. Despite the burning wish of the observer to change the nature of the tide itself after having realized a thing or two about the nature thereof, still that will remain a mere wish of their own minds, now that this life would have long decided what should be there or not, and when that time has come for the final moment of the initial decision, then everything would be let loose. The reason behind the nature of the prevailing situation will always be there, life would have facilitated it long before, even longer than the arrival of that final moment, and the remaining challenge to the observer would then be the discovery of the truth behind everything now that it would be existent that truth right in the depths of everything. The route leading to the discovery of that truth will always be there, life would have prepared it long ago, even before the arrival of sources of confusion and frustration, now that it would have known long before this life that throughput the course of its own tasks then certain sinister forces might feel tempted to try and hamper the good progression of this same life, hence the establishment of that route leading to the opposite direction of the same wicked sources. The one searching for that route will have their precious life sacrificed and all the seeming glories thereof confiscated and completely consumed up as this same life takes them through that process, a new era would have been arrived and therefore, the one experiencing it would find themselves compelled to conform. There it would be existent in the face of all these things this same life, calling on the prospective enthusiast to advance into its own deeper depths and then explore with what is in there, the deepness thereof so to speak, and as they keep complying on there they shall find what they never had before, much as it is that seeing strange things would then become the part of their new life of deepness.



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