When bad blood has been driven out.
The problems reaching the life of the physical structure itself has been innumerable so far ever since the formation of the physical universe itself. They have been challenging and being troublesome to this same physical structure itself, dragging it to the extremes of life this one time and this way then another way in the other time. The physical structure had been yearning for happiness and peace as all these things were being sent down to it by this same life on its own. Reasons for all those things of a punishing nature has always been there, now that in this life there is nothing that happens in the absence of a certain reason. Sources of all such things of shame and trauma has always been there, with their single responsibility being that of ensuring the physical structure itself that moment of difficulties and hardships, no wonder then that certain measures of conduct and performance would have been undertaken by these same sources now that they would have surely wanted to see the successful ending of their profane and wicked activities. As such sources of hardships and troubles multiplied, ensuring the physical universe a certain orientation, then even sources of bad blood found their own way through, with their mission being only one, this injection of bad blood within the innocent frames of the physical structure. There they were such sources of bad blood among others, traversing the whole physical universe just as their master impulse leading them, with this quantity of bad blood being injected by them in this one innocent physical frame here this one time and then another there in the other time, the amount of agents of bad blood seemed to be multiplying, life had given them, alongside their master impulse, the time to prove themselves in any way possible. The future of the physical universe was gloomy, with that sense of despair and pessimism tending to overwhelm the existing physical frames, making them to wonder what lies there ahead, far away from the present. The glory of life was slowly dissipating and waning, bad blood flourishing and bitterness was taking over, man, it was tough, so hard let things be put that way. Man!!
Life seemed unfair and totally unwanted, the innocent frames were frustrated and completely indecisive, they never knew which direction of life they had to follow, but then, a certain inspiration was slowly consuming them deep down there, this courage to be in pursuit of ways leading into that life of pure blood, only so as a mean to have the apparently insurmountable extent of bad blood flushed out of their lives and completely. A tough battle lay there in their future lives, they had to face it, wrestle up and eventually land their lives in that life of pure blood, far away from bad blood and its agents. Their physical frames had to be worked out tough, punished and then straightaway be cast into that life of purity. This is the physical frame that was once given by life to the physical structure itself, so that out of it the missions of this life might come and be observed, now that this life had understood that in the absence of any source of tangibility and visibility then its realness might appear hollow, and for that matter the physical frame was thrown out to the physical structure itself. It had to accept and embrace it as it is, and then straightaway utilize it to the verified extent of its own existence. And then the agents of bad blood arrived, had the very same frame of the physical structure pushed beyond proper standards of living, and for that matter the physical structure had to stand up tough on its own, dare the defiled blood that had already tainted its precious frame and straightaway wage a rigorous showdown against it. Things were not going to be as usual obviously, it was going to be an uphill battle, man, so tough let things be put that way, now that the same bad blood would not come out of the already defiled frame without having to be forced out firstly. It had to be forced out, squeezed, and then eventually be trodden down on the grounds below. It was not going to be easy nor simple, but the physical frame, given to the physical structure, had to be punished to that extent only if its own freedom from the defiled blood was to be secured, it had to be flushed out of it so as to create that space for that blood of innocence and purity, the blood that had already been lost to the profanity of bad blood. A serious challenge in life. Man!!
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