When the physical structure has gone way too far.
The life given to the physical structure itself is based upon certain limits and restrictions, it can allow this same physical structure to commit this one activity while disqualifying it against another activity, let it speak this one thing while prohibiting it against one thing, it is just how this same given life processes its own duties. But then, despite the existent of such limits and restrictions, there is a certain gracious mercy that this same life is dragging with it everywhere it goes, and this same physical structure itself will not have to overlook nor undermine the existing understanding that this same life is capable of, now that this one activity would be committed by this same physical structure at one time, only to come and be classified as being wrongful later on after this same life, the facilitator of everything, had tried and tested that matter, but given the manner through which that matter was conducted and the nature thereof, understanding would then be preserved and gracious mercy be shed down, life would have had another thought about this same wrongful matter materialized through the capacity of the physical structure itself. Certain challenges would have long landed in the life of the same physical structure, having shaken it to this one side of life and then to the other, thus compelling it to behave itself in one way or the other while being unaware of the existing prohibitions imposed on that one side of life, and given their lack of understanding about the dynamics of this same life then end up entertaining such prohibited behaviors and manners, much to the anger and wrath of this same life. The physical structure would have in this manner gone too far beyond the recommended limits of performance.
And then eventually understanding would be given to the same physical structure, wherein knowledge about what is approved of and disqualified in this life would come, so that proper performances could be undertaken by this same physical structure itself, only so as a mean through which to align itself with the commendable limitations and restrictions of life, without having to advance way beyond them, now that knowledge would have already come to be with them. And after the arrival of the same understanding then it shall be up to the very same physical structure itself, whether it conduct its own performances under such recommended limits and restrictions or not, but no matter what nature of the given choice made, a certain consequence would be lying there at the end of everything. The ruling impulses of the physical universe itself would be existent in the face of all these, receiving clear understanding about the situation itself as it keeps unfolding and ready to take any action based on their own desires, the physical structure would have been their main target as usual.
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