When the innocent blood was defiled.

And there it was life itself, having eventually chosen to spread itself all over the place, having unleashed all its own powers so that the whole place could be under the spell thereof. The future was lying there ahead for it to come and prove itself even further. Its generosity had to be more palpable and realistic, even way beyond the barriers of conception. It surely had a huge task to fulfill before claiming its own realness. Its main companions had long been existent with it, these legendary impulses that has since claimed that form of invisibility as they roamed all over like a wanderer, the shelter to dwell in they had not found as yet, now that something had to come to pass before their discovery of that precious gem, this life had to maneuver a thing or two. And then that final moment arrived for this same life to prove its visible powers, and that task could have never been possible in the absence of sources of tangibility and visibility, they had to be dragged into the scene to make this moment a reality. Of course, things happened accordingly, and there they were eventually, such measures through which to prove those powers of this same life, and for that matter, visible sources of evidence that attested to that fact stood prominent. The impulses of life, the main companions of life itself, observed everything as it unfolded, life could have never given this precious moment that right to flourish and prosper. They may have rushed to such inferences those impulses as they observed the situation. As evidences of tangibility and visibility flourished, the main sources through which this same life had to prove its powers, then the opportunities also multiplied for these same impulses to make their presence felt, they had observed this life in the beginning as it made things happen and now it was for this life to observe them as they took advantage of the given privilege. They may have also rushed to such inferences these same impulses. As usual as it has always been so naturally, the rivalry between these same impulses never saw its demise, instead a consistent progression as each of them sought to subdue the other, and just as this same life had to prove its own powers through certain means, then even these same impulses decided to follow suit. Sources of tangibility and visibility were available down there, and as this same life progressed, with all such impulses having attained that knowledge and understanding about the situation, then they landed themselves upon such sources, this way, and that way, and as the effect of the landing took place then certain consequences followed also. Impulses of life had to prove their powers on these sources, life had to go on, and these sources had no choice but to follow suit, either this way or the other.



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