When the physical structure is having limited rights.
Now, the performances of the physical structure have always been of a limited nature, compressed into one place and restricted to one side of the physical life. The barriers of the normal standards of living has also been limited naturally, compelling the physical structure to always calculate the amount of lifestyles it is usually committing itself to , so that out of the very same calculations to have ever been made, then knowledge can come about the nature of each lifestyle adopted, now that through the acquired knowledge understanding can come about the existing distance between the adopted lifestyle and the recommended natural standards of living, whether that lifestyle is more closer to those recommendations or extremely strange and abnormal from them. And it is a total impossibility that that knowledge would not reach the concerned physical structure, same applies to understanding. Life itself is presenting itself in a certain amazing manner, now that the expectations of one living organism can sometimes come to frustrate the same creature on its own, much as it is that the unexpected phenomenon can come to be a permanent guest of the concerned living organism. The natural responsibilities to be fulfilled by one existing living organism will always be there, and the right for one living organism to bypass and skip the same natural responsibility will always be suffocated by this life on its own, now that nothing can be classified as being realistic in this life until one action that is in line with the main matter on its own has been undertaken and thus fulfilled. It will thus remain hollow, useless, and void of any truthful honesty. The physical structure itself will always be expected to live up to the compulsions of the same natural right, push itself closer to the recommended standards of living and straightaway acquire that state of truthful honesty, for unless it suffer from the urge to do that its innocent physical frame would be dragged into a life of condemnation by this same life on its own. This is the physical frame that was formed with a variety of weaknesses however, enriched with a portion of physical qualities and straightaway thrown out to the physical structure, the physical structure had to intercept it as it was randomly thrown out to the physical universe, a home to the physical structure itself, now that in the absence of the same frame the physical structure is void of any reasonable character and identity. It had to utilize it to the best advantage of honest responsibility. This is the frame that was meant to be a shelter for this life to come and dwell in it, so that out of its proximity to the same frame it can then come to work out its own magical miracles as close as possible, nudge the same frame here and there while calling it over somewhere else sometimes, and as for the weaknesses with which it was formed the physical structure had to bear them, search for means through which to emancipate itself from the same weaknesses and then await that due time in which life would have decided all is fulfilled and straightaway lift the same structure out of the glaring weaknesses of its own. The right to switch between the acceptable and condemned responsibilities was never given to it, no wonder then that harsher punishments has always been considered as the last option by this life every time the same structure tried to bend the nature of the existing natural responsibilities. The future awaited it and therefore, life had to go on.
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