When knowledge reveals everything.
Now, the generosity of life can come in diverse ways and methods, same applies to the miracles with which this same life would visit the physical universe. It will always depend how each individual living organism does perceive the manner in which this same life presents its own works, now that the desires of each living being will always be distinctive in form, same applies to the level of understanding existent within each individual organism, now that as this one mind of this one organism is of a certain level then another one of the other being will be of yet another form. It just depends how far this life would have thrown the available natural endowments to the concerned organisms. Such endowments will always be distinctive to each other because of the behavioral characteristics of each individual organism, now that in this life everything that is being thrown out to the existing living organisms is always based on a certain reason, and unless such behaviors of each individual organism changes to something different, then the prevailing environment will also remain the same. The existing living organisms will always have different perspectives about the manner in which life does present itself, for as the level of understanding is of a certain height then the other will also be of another height as far as each individual organism is concerned, and it is here where the quality of each individual endowment lies in, now that out of that existing understanding of things then what should be done will be fulfilled by the existing character in a manner of accordance, much as it is that what should not be done would then be avoided by the same concerned organism. This is the understanding that will always make things appear clear without any element of doubt or suspicion, and for that matter, the existing organism in possession of that quality will always have a distinct perspective about things more than the one that is void of it. This is the understanding that would make life seems like a gentle phenomenon to be traversed with ease, understanding with that tendency to create a sense of comfort and confidence within the heart and mind of the existing organism in possession of it, and through it the concerned organism would not fail nor stumble, now that it will always know and understands what need be done in a certain time and avoided in another time, for where understanding about things is existent, then even knowledge is available, and where knowledge is available life will always be a simpler phenomenon to cherish and traverse with ease.
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