When the physical structure is challenged big time.
The physical structure itself has always been having certain limits on this life that restricted it into a certain limited sphere of living, compelling it to perform this one activity at a certain stage of life while disallowing it against yet another type of a specific activity. But then, despite the nature of the same existing restrictions there has always been certain activities to have ever been committed by this same physical structure as part of its own commitment towards the life of contempt and rebellion. It has always been because of the very same contemptuous life of its own that the anger of this same life was provoked from time to time. This is the anger and wrath that always ensured that this same physical structure does get what it deserves and such all such benefits has always been based upon certain reasons that are completely inflexible. This is the kind of inflexibility that has always ensured that this same digressing structure does not find any mean or reason through which to avoid and escape such benefits that has always been preserved for it based on certain strong reasons, and the benefits it had always worked for through certain classified activities of its own. As a result of such a strong reason, and the nature of activities to have ever been committed by this same physical structure on its own, it was thereafter decided, by this life on its own, that this same contemptuous structure should be led to certain punishing heights and measures, so that after the fulfilment of everything, then this same rebellious structure can come and learn how far it had advanced in contravening barriers of natural standards of living, and thereafter seek some other measures through which to retain the lost moral grounds of natural life. This is the life that would have always been existent, the life which this same rebellious structure was formed in the first place and then thrown out to it, so that after everything has been fulfilled as far as the same formation is concerned, then this same structure can come and observe the merciful generosity of this same natural life unto which it would have long been thrown. Of course, the time has always been there for everything to be fulfilled, and therefore, it was always going to be impossible for this same physical structure itself to fail acquiring that knowledge and understanding about the situation itself, now that the same natural life unto which this same structure was thrown in the first place was formed in a certain manner, by this same life on its own, that ensured that that knowledge and understanding do finally reach this same physical structure itself. However, this same natural life unto which this same structure was thrown in the first place was not formed without the inclusion of certain restrictions and prohibitions, and they were so integrated into this same natural life so that through them this same structure can come and be led into a life of fulfillment and perfection, now that in them lay certain measures through which to control and monitor the activities of this same structure itself. These are the measures that were always going to be difficult to deny or ignore, measures that were always going to be difficult to avoid and resist, and the powerful effect thereof was always going to restrict the possible advancements of this same natural structure, restrictions harboring certain consequences with them, and restrictions leading this same structure to a certain future life. Now, given the powers of impulses of life, powers that has always subdued the resistant capacity of the very same physical structure, since it was naturally made to be lower than these same impulses as far as the order of physical life is concerned, order that integrated a certain classification of things in it, then the physical structure itself was once influenced in a certain manner, thanks to the powers of these same impulses of life. The intensity of the very same influence was there to lead this physical structure to certain unprecedented standards of living, drag it into certain times never seen before or ever expected, just a strange time. The opposing powers of these same operational impulses were always going to be active in the main scene where everything was taking place, the physical universe so to speak, and as they were being active like that such powers this same physical structure saw no any other existing mean of escapement, it never had that mean actually, this natural position unto which it was cast in the first place, and therefore, between these same wrestling impulses this same physical structure had to swing, this day this way and the other day that way, man what a heaviness!!
Since they harbored distinctive characteristics and identities among them such impulses of life, then this same physical structure itself was always going to possess the quality of the dominant impulse no matter what the nature thereof, even bad blood, now that this one class of impulses possessed a certain power over a certain blood quality, and as it worked out its own magic all over the physical universe, then the part of the physical structure that is unable to resist that influence through the services of yet another impulse was always going to be conquered and subdued, this intensity of bad blood flowing all over the physical universe. And as all this challenging heaviness keeps rolling out for certain reasons, this life would have already placed certain consequences there at the end of things, so that every part of this same physical structure might come and find its benefits right there no matter what the nature and quality of blood injected in it, be it bad blood or pure blood.
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