
Showing posts from April, 2022


CONDEMNED BUT ENTERTAINED. When deceived by strange impulses. As we are getting on with this life, the life that had been given to us naturally, and the life whose origins are still a total mystery   harassing the mental capacity of the physical creatures, whose components has been trying to get to the bottom of this same matter from time  to time but to no avail, and then formulated ideologies and philosophies as an attempt to portray themselves as being the intelligent beings knowing and understanding about everything, albeit on the basis of propaganda and twisted lies, all these after the realization that failure to reach for what is being sought after proves to be stubborn in their lives and reluctant to go away from them, we would then find ourselves at one stage or another faced with one or more realities coming our own ways. Such are realities which would prove to be challenging to our minds at times while outsmarting our sense of intelligence, thus forcing us to b...


FIXED MENTALITY. When accusing one another while all wrong. The fact that the physical universe is a place that is overflowing with a variety of racial identities and tribes cannot be denied, it is for real and happening. The truth behind the origins of these same racial and tribal identities is mostly kept as a secret, so much so that even the original historical records related to this matter are being suppressed. But it cannot be denied on the other hand that certain scant historical records about this humanitarian crisis have not been pushed beyond the reach of the existing and ordinary racial and tribal identities, and that is where a minor strand of the original truth comes creeping into the minds of some components of these same racial and tribal identities, only to serve as a source of knowledge and understanding about how the things were before becoming this way. It cannot be denied again that there are certain components of human identities that does not worry about having to...


CONSUMED TO THE CORE. When humankind is consumed by its own deeds. T he temptations of the physical universe are innumerable, they do come in all different forms, their powers are also as different as the characteristics of each individual temptation, their mission is but the same no matter what distinct characteristics, now that theirs is the aim to pervert and lead astray. Their main target is also the same no matter what different powers that they are possessing, now that the physical universe down below is the only meeting place of theirs wherein to evaluate their potential, and therefore, every living creature found down there is not immune from the operations thereof. Their tactical methods of intrusion and invasion are cute and tricky, with the main mission that is in line with those cute tricks being but only one, now that the conscience and consciousness of mankind and everything alive is being plotted against, thereby being whisked and swung around time after time through the...


DIGRESSION OF THE PHYSICAL STRUCTURE  When tampering with given goodness. The truth about the purpose that one living organism was created for lies in life it should live, same thing applies to the duties and tasks that organism is bound to conduct, now that after the fulfillment thereof then every fact about that organism will become known. The failure of that organism to conduct and fulfill its duties and tasks will always ensure future repercussions, much as it is that the courage and desire to comply with what is required will always ensure successful conclusions. The beginning of life is naturally based on goodness, and where goodness is found even honesty and justice is also available, while out of honesty and justice happiness is invited. Wherever happiness is existent comfort and confidence are also inspired, so much so that the witness of them all can also be inspired to declare this life a precious phenomenon worthy of celebration, while life itself would be appearing as ...


SILENT SPEECHES. When this life teaches us a thing or two. T he life which we the physical creatures are living is broad, filled with goodness much as it is in terms of challenges. It can just decide at any given time which way to take us through or which experience to thrust us into, we don't have any power to control it, in fact, ours is just to live, act and then await the final consequence to be handed down to us. We won't know when or what will become of us as we do keep living on and taking countless actions, and no matter how hard we may wish we were blessed with that knowledge still we would at times find ourselves failing to achieve a certain result of our desires. Sometimes when certain realities are taking place, we would find ourselves wishing we had been given that power to turn them away or make them stay with us for as long as we want them to, only to realize that it is just a mere wish of ours while being reluctant to accept that weakness of ours. As we keep doi...


EFFECT OF SILENT VOICES. When what is being said is not aud ible. Knowledge is the beginning of everything, the foundation of the future and the center of understanding, and in its absence, life is meaningless directionless, just desolate and undesirable. In its absence we won't even find out who we are, even though having to find that truth about one's identity is not like tucking in a delicious meal, instead, more of a lifetime struggle to anticipate. In its absence we won't even be able to understand anything about the situation within the physical universe where we all belong, even though the acquisition of that understanding is not like taking a walk around a beautiful park, instead, more of a daunting challenge to face only if the desire for wisdom is so intensive deep down there. Knowledge on its own is the redeemer of the forsaken character, the mentor of the less intelligent and the guider of the straying character. In its absence the obstacles are rife, challenges...


SHARED EXPERIENCE. When everything belongs to everyone. There is no one among us or any living organism that owns anything, neither is there anyone that has created anything, and even though some of us the physical creatures might hasten to arrogantly proclaim our ownership of anything whatsoever, that will only be a result of our own arrogant selves, or just a mere figment of our own minds and one part of our attempt to put things upside down in our quest for powers we were not naturally given, for no matter how hard we may try to claim such powers the truth itself will be humbly and silently executing the natural duties and tasks which it is naturally assigned for, while awaiting for that allowance to proclaim itself prominently and in a degree of confidence, all these as a factor of natural knowledge and understanding, given to the same truth, that in its  given time to proclaim itself all the sophistication that used to harbour deception for some time will but stumble and then...


INNOCENT LITTLE FRAMES. When we were born free. Life is the mother of everything, the creator of all and the head of the living, and without it the living themselves would not be alive or dead, rather non-existent. The physical universe on the other hand is a subject of this same phenomenon, the tangible nature and visibility thereof are all the works of this miraculous phenomenon, and its origins is a secret of its own. The physical organisms themselves are having no choice but to respect and obey this same phenomenon, now that in its absence even they themselves are nowhere to be found, and now that after its own desire it can just deprive them of itself. As the very same physical universe was brought to existence and then given a certain form, a certain purpose was there, albeit a secret to the very same master of everything, same applies to the physical organisms that were given that right to observe all the glories that their own master is capable of, now that a certain purpose be...


TOSSED AROUND BY IMPULSES. When powers of impulses prove irresistible. In a real world of justice and sound reason everything is based on truth and honesty, where whatever is being done originate from what it should be, rather than being a contradiction of what it is supposed to be, and where whatever is being said can be done so on the basis of the truth that matter is deserving, rather than lies and the desire to mislead. On the other hand, honesty and truth does not know any barrier nor border, neither do they have any consideration for age or gender nor race and tribe, they do execute their duties and tasks the natural way instead. But above all these comes the reality that the very same life where all these things are taking place is broad and open to every natural organism in it, whereas the consideration this same life is having for all living organisms comes in a manner that is indiscriminate.  This is a non-selective approach that does not care about color or race nor gend...


SUBJUGATION OF THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. When humanity is under the siege . The prevailing powers of impulses ruling the physical universe are irresistible, especially so now that everything physical and visible is having its own foundations based on such power wielded by these impu ls es, and every time their situation is of a particular nature the physical universe and everything in it would then get affected. This is the kind of effect that is impossible to be undone, and throughout its duration everything would fall under its spell until all is fulfilled. The ability and potential of each and every physical creature to resist and come over one particular impulse lies within the powers of another different impulse, and therefore, whichever impulse is in a dominant position within the life of the concerned creature will then determine the future of its own servant, and throughout that life of serving that impulse every activity will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and...