CONDEMNED BUT ENTERTAINED. When deceived by strange impulses. As we are getting on with this life, the life that had been given to us naturally, and the life whose origins are still a total mystery harassing the mental capacity of the physical creatures, whose components has been trying to get to the bottom of this same matter from time to time but to no avail, and then formulated ideologies and philosophies as an attempt to portray themselves as being the intelligent beings knowing and understanding about everything, albeit on the basis of propaganda and twisted lies, all these after the realization that failure to reach for what is being sought after proves to be stubborn in their lives and reluctant to go away from them, we would then find ourselves at one stage or another faced with one or more realities coming our own ways. Such are realities which would prove to be challenging to our minds at times while outsmarting our sense of intelligence, thus forcing us to b...