When humanity is under the siege.
The prevailing powers of impulses ruling the physical universe are irresistible, especially so now that everything physical and visible is having its own foundations based on such power wielded by these impulses, and every time their situation is of a particular nature the physical universe and everything in it would then get affected. This is the kind of effect that is impossible to be undone, and throughout its duration everything would fall under its spell until all is fulfilled.
The ability and potential of each and every physical creature to resist and come over one particular impulse lies within the powers of another different impulse, and therefore, whichever impulse is in a dominant position within the life of the concerned creature will then determine the future of its own servant, and throughout that life of serving that impulse every activity will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and injunctions of the very same dominant impulse. As the course of life and time proceeds the existing impulses would also not remain dormant and inactive within the atmospheres of the physical universe; they would become operational in a certain competitive manner instead, with one class of impulses looking forward to the subjugation of the other, and as that rivalry among them do proceed the existing inhabitants of the physical universe would then find themselves exposed to a serious conquest with no any existing choice beside having to surrender themselves to either class of the contending rivals.
After a bout of that effective conquest influenced within the geographical settlements of the physical universe, with the inhabitants thereof having surrendered themselves to one class of impulses, then the future of the very same society under conquest will get determined. As the societal shape do emerge courtesy of the effected conquest, components of the very same emerging society would then start behaving and presenting themselves in a certain manner that is in line with the balance of power between the rival impulses, and therefore, the servants of a dominant impulse will also be in a dominant position to those of the subjugated impulse. Given the dynamics of the very same impulses operating within the atmospheres of the physical universe, of continuous search for power to subdue each other, the inhabitants of the physical universe would also be of that manner among themselves, for no matter what dominant position occupied by one class of servants, members of the lower class will always be in search of means through which to resist the influence of the dominant servants. It is at this point in life where the ultimate friction between the rival impulses and its servants do originate, for as long as the existing impulses are not at peace among themselves so shall be their servants within the geographical settlements of the physical universe, and as they do effect that subjugation over such inhabitants they shall in turn find no any choice in their lives except to just surrender, and whatever side they do take their societies will always be influenced in a certain manner, courtesy of the powerful impulses that would have put them under subjugated conquest.
The ability and potential of each and every physical creature to resist and come over one particular impulse lies within the powers of another different impulse, and therefore, whichever impulse is in a dominant position within the life of the concerned creature will then determine the future of its own servant, and throughout that life of serving that impulse every activity will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and injunctions of the very same dominant impulse. As the course of life and time proceeds the existing impulses would also not remain dormant and inactive within the atmospheres of the physical universe; they would become operational in a certain competitive manner instead, with one class of impulses looking forward to the subjugation of the other, and as that rivalry among them do proceed the existing inhabitants of the physical universe would then find themselves exposed to a serious conquest with no any existing choice beside having to surrender themselves to either class of the contending rivals.
After a bout of that effective conquest influenced within the geographical settlements of the physical universe, with the inhabitants thereof having surrendered themselves to one class of impulses, then the future of the very same society under conquest will get determined. As the societal shape do emerge courtesy of the effected conquest, components of the very same emerging society would then start behaving and presenting themselves in a certain manner that is in line with the balance of power between the rival impulses, and therefore, the servants of a dominant impulse will also be in a dominant position to those of the subjugated impulse.
Given the dynamics of the very same impulses operating within the atmospheres of the physical universe, of continuous search for power to subdue each other, the inhabitants of the physical universe would also be of that manner among themselves, for no matter what dominant position occupied by one class of servants, members of the lower class will always be in search of means through which to resist the influence of the dominant servants. It is at this point in life where the ultimate friction between the rival impulses and its servants do originate, for as long as the existing impulses are not at peace among themselves so shall be their servants within the geographical settlements of the physical universe, and as they do effect that subjugation over such inhabitants they shall in turn find no any choice in their lives except to just surrender, and whatever side they do take their societies will always be influenced in a certain manner, courtesy of the powerful impulses that would have put them under subjugated conquest.
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