When humankind is consumed by its own deeds.
The temptations of the physical universe are innumerable, they do come in all different forms, their powers are also as different as the characteristics of each individual temptation, their mission is but the same no matter what distinct characteristics, now that theirs is the aim to pervert and lead astray. Their main target is also the same no matter what different powers that they are possessing, now that the physical universe down below is the only meeting place of theirs wherein to evaluate their potential, and therefore, every living creature found down there is not immune from the operations thereof. Their tactical methods of intrusion and invasion are cute and tricky, with the main mission that is in line with those cute tricks being but only one, now that the conscience and consciousness of mankind and everything alive is being plotted against, thereby being whisked and swung around time after time through the dynamics of such cute but wicked tricks churned by such obstacles as their desire and aim drives their victim into a life of destruction. The weakness of the physical creatures would be exposing them to the operations of these same evil and wicked invisible characters, with the main reason behind their possible victimization being but only one, now that the deceptive tricks of these same invisible characters are more powerful enough to beat both the conscience and consciousness of any living creature, thus pressing them into committing what they hadn't planned before or following a way of life they had never had that appreciation for before, and as that deceptive spell conjured by that operational but invisible character start working within the conscience of the intended target, such a victim would then start acting in a certain manner that is beholden to the powers of the active and dominant temptation. Destruction would be awaiting the victim of that invisible but wicked character there ahead, and the more they do get enchanted by the spell of that individual but wicked character would be the more they are nearing their decisive point of destruction. And then destruction would be let loose eventually, the victim of such temptations would then become consumed by the very same destruction, and then start realizing how exploited are they ,with the main culprit and accused being but only one, now that the prowling temptations would have dragged them into that situation, with them having been cursed with the reality of being unable to reverse what has eventually come to pass, then destruction would flourish, victims thereof emerge and the victor against that wickedness keep searching for possible alternatives through which to consolidate their mental strength and victory against the invisible agents of destruction.
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