When what is being said is not audible.

Knowledge is the beginning of everything, the foundation of the future and the center of understanding, and in its absence, life is meaningless directionless, just desolate and undesirable. In its absence we won't even find out who we are, even though having to find that truth about one's identity is not like tucking in a delicious meal, instead, more of a lifetime struggle to anticipate. In its absence we won't even be able to understand anything about the situation within the physical universe where we all belong, even though the acquisition of that understanding is not like taking a walk around a beautiful park, instead, more of a daunting challenge to face only if the desire for wisdom is so intensive deep down there.

Knowledge on its own is the redeemer of the forsaken character, the mentor of the less intelligent and the guider of the straying character. In its absence the obstacles are rife, challenges are flourishing, and the adversaries are prospering, and as the course of life and time fulfils their tasks the forsaken character would then feel confused and desperate, only when knowledge is out of their reach, the reason they would be perceiving this life to be completely distasteful and unwanted. But no matter what character and nature of this same knowledge, or the duties and tasks it is responsible for, the truth about it remains, that it is not as simple to find as picking up a stone on the superficial surface ,instead, it is located at the extremes of life itself, no wonder then that reaching for it will always be a lifetime effort to be completed by some, whereas for others it remains a serious accusation against their lives, no wonder then that the accused will always search for means through which to hide away from their burden, that's the reason digression is always a choice for them.

Its ways of reaching its own prospective targets are so rife and dangerously quirky, its voices gentle and completely silent, and the living organisms are its usual target. When it has subsequently arrived among the existing physical creatures; life will never be the same once again, at least in the eye of the captured target or even the forsaken character. It would have spoken its silent words while existent among everything.


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