When we were born free.
As the very same physical universe was brought to existence and then given a certain form, a certain purpose was there, albeit a secret to the very same master of everything, same applies to the physical organisms that were given that right to observe all the glories that their own master is capable of, now that a certain purpose behind that right is existent also, and only life alone, the master of all that is alive and visible, can proclaim everything whenever it may so wish. It is its own property, and therefore, to its own master this property is beholden.
Born empty we were all of us, cast into the depths of the physical universe so as to become the part and parcel thereof, and by the time we were naturally cast there we were not given any knowledge nor understanding about who and what we are, neither about how we ended up in this kind of a situation nor how would we eventually be given that right to pass away from such places unto which we would have found ourselves being cast, if ever possible, we rather found ourselves bound right there and doomed to find our ground. Maybe we cried a lot from the bottom of our own hearts and minds as we started realizing how challenging is the reality unto which our master had decided to thrust us, or even wondered if such challenges were surely meant to be with us from the very first day the master facilitated everything, or were they just decided to come and pay our location a visit after a little while, or even wondered if that freedom from them will ever be preserved for us by the very same master.
But no matter how hard we may have cried in the first place because of all these or wondered why all these things were decided for us, still we found ourselves doomed to accept everything, face this reality that our master has chosen for us, obey orders issued to us by the facilitator and then observe what comes our own way. Of any other choice we still don't have really, now that we cannot return this life already given to us since it is impossible to do so, and only if we had been given that power to do so then we would have long taken advantage of it, only if it would have been suitable and acceptable, but now, look at what the master had chosen for the physical universe.
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