When this life teaches us a thing or two.
The life which we the physical creatures are living is broad, filled with goodness much as it is in terms of challenges. It can just decide at any given time which way to take us through or which experience to thrust us into, we don't have any power to control it, in fact, ours is just to live, act and then await the final consequence to be handed down to us. We won't know when or what will become of us as we do keep living on and taking countless actions, and no matter how hard we may wish we were blessed with that knowledge still we would at times find ourselves failing to achieve a certain result of our desires.
Sometimes when certain realities are taking place, we would find ourselves wishing we had been given that power to turn them away or make them stay with us for as long as we want them to, only to realize that it is just a mere wish of ours while being reluctant to accept that weakness of ours. As we keep doing all these, generating this one mental fantasy at one stage and that fantasy at another stage, life would be slowly turning its own tide day in and out without having to care about our daydreams, crashing us against this experience today and that one in another different day no matter our hasty condemnation of one unwelcome experience.
The secret of how realities are being churned and generated belongs to life itself, same applies to knowledge about what is standing far beyond our reach now and to meet with later when our physical frames are ripped off the surfaces of the physical universe. And as it keeps ripping us off like that for one reason known to it other new members would then be given that opportunity to blaze the physical surfaces, still for certain reasons that are once more a secret kept in the deepness of life. We would wish from time to time that we had that knowledge about such secrets, much as it is that our search for that knowledge would keep continuing day in and out as part of our hope that someday we could be favored in our endeavors. Yet this life would not do us that favor to satisfy our desires completely, and even though we may be getting that partial satisfaction here and there still we would find ourselves asking for and wanting some more.
The secretive ways leading to life of our satisfaction are known to life only, and it can only take the will of the very same life to put everything on the superficial level for everyone to see and observe, and that power is exclusive to life alone. Maybe sometimes this life talks to the physical subjects without them understanding anything, or calls them over to somewhere without them seeing anything given the complicated nature of this same life and the terrifying extent of its own depths, or maybe it is because of the lowness of the physical creatures that when all those secrets are proclaimed they are then perceived to be out of reach and confusing.
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