When everything belongs to everyone.

There is no one among us or any living organism that owns anything, neither is there anyone that has created anything, and even though some of us the physical creatures might hasten to arrogantly proclaim our ownership of anything whatsoever, that will only be a result of our own arrogant selves, or just a mere figment of our own minds and one part of our attempt to put things upside down in our quest for powers we were not naturally given, for no matter how hard we may try to claim such powers the truth itself will be humbly and silently executing the natural duties and tasks which it is naturally assigned for, while awaiting for that allowance to proclaim itself prominently and in a degree of confidence, all these as a factor of natural knowledge and understanding, given to the same truth, that in its  given time to proclaim itself all the sophistication that used to harbour deception for some time will but stumble and then be put to shame.
This is the truth whereupon the foundations of life are based, the truth with powers equal to the mighty reason which together with they do control the phenomenon called life, and without them life itself is doomed to and destined for gloom and uselessness. It is the truth that will dispossess every deceiver among us of the deceptive character that used to make them seem original and truthful, and the truth which because of it we are all doomed to be exposed and uncovered, for out of it there is no any existing secret about us no matter how hard we may try to cover and hide all the realities about ourselves, and every time it does expose everything about us the dominant reason will be accompanying it, lest we try to twist things around in our quest for a mean to hide everything about our true character.
No one among us was there when this same life which today we may  claim to be ours was formed, we have not seen anything about it in terms of how it all began, neither did any agent or element of truth reach us for some  time in our lives to reveal all about how it all began, yet we remain arrogant among ourselves while harbouring unproven claims of knowledge and understanding about everything, all these because of our empty pride compelling us to feel ashamed to say that we don't know how it all began, no wonder then that we are being evil against each other, now that given our lost pride the truth has become our utmost adversary and deception together with lies our closest companions we find difficult to live without.
Above all these, and no matter how hard we may try to deny it given the weaknesses consuming our hearts and minds, the weakness fooling us from time to time and make us think that we are being clever and strong enough to beat the truth, yet the truth itself will remain as it has always done, that we were all given life and born naked without anything in our hands, found everything formed here before the unknown powers gave us the life to live, and then given the right to celebrate the glory of  the very same life, and then instead of glorifying those powers behind the life given to us we chose to rather fight against life and the truth in it.
And now here we are, and here it is this life giving us what we deserve.


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