When accusing one another while all wrong.
The fact that the physical universe is a place that is overflowing with a variety of racial identities and tribes cannot be denied, it is for real and happening. The truth behind the origins of these same racial and tribal identities is mostly kept as a secret, so much so that even the original historical records related to this matter are being suppressed. But it cannot be denied on the other hand that certain scant historical records about this humanitarian crisis have not been pushed beyond the reach of the existing and ordinary racial and tribal identities, and that is where a minor strand of the original truth comes creeping into the minds of some components of these same racial and tribal identities, only to serve as a source of knowledge and understanding about how the things were before becoming this way. It cannot be denied again that there are certain components of human identities that does not worry about having to attain that understanding about this humanitarian issue, rather to just accept this life as it is and then straightaway live up to yet another day, while some do otherwise find themselves left with a restless mind because of their quest for understanding about this matter, while scratching their heads day in and out as part of their search for that understanding, or even resorting to certain sources so as to consult with them for the assurance of their mental growth and complete intelligence. Well, it is life, and we are all living it.
These same racial and tribal identities are all having a certain cultural and traditional belief that they do maintain, and each cultural and traditional belief maintained is different, same applies to the languages and tounges spoken of them. Such cultural and traditional beliefs that these same human identities are maintaining are based on certain ideologies and philosophies that are different from those of each individual traditional culture, and this is where the deadliest enemy of humanity lies in, now that out of this same reality such identities are failing and hating to see eye to eye with each other, theirs is the growth of adversity among them and the hurling of insults each to the other, and because of that the physical universe itself is in danger of being wiped away, only if it was possible, and now that it is impossible, therefore, these same enemies of life are living in a destructive danger with the capacity to wipe them off the face of the physical universe completely, and this is a decision that life itself is responsible for, now that every consequence that is being send to the physical universe itself is calculated and evaluated firstly by this same life on its own.
Now, because of the ongoing adversity and hatred among these same racial and tribal identities of the physical universe, whose beliefs and cults are based on certain established ideologies and philosophies, oppression of each other is a practical norm, unsurprisingly though, now that wherever hatred reigns supreme oppression and suppression is inevitable. Or how can one person see themselves as an equal whereas the one upon whom they are supposed to prove their equality with is being hated of them either based on racial or tribal affiliation? Or how can one person love what they hate most? Impossible surely!!
And as that hatred keeps consuming them, with the value of their morality depreciating day in and out, they don't even mind having to worsen that depreciation further using the difference of their languages as a mean through which to consolidate the adversity among them, and again racism and tribalism is at the center of this same depreciation. But then, which language is of the oppressor when the creatures of the physical universe keep waging hatred among themselves based on racism and tribalism? Which race is oppressing the other and which tribe is claiming superiority over others? And which race or tribe is right or wrong?
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