
Showing posts from September, 2022


LIFE OF BAD AND GOOD BLOOD. When the physical structure has been through a lot. Since the movement of life and time comes with experiences, so are the events and moments to be encountered by the physical structure itself. They can mean more such events and moments as they do unfold, badness or goodness, it will depend on what is the nature of each individual event and moment. As they do unfold in that manner such events and moments the physical structure itself will eventually get affected in one way or the other, it will depend what the nature  of the prevailing inspiration or mood such events and moments are creating in the popular dynamics  of the main situation, much as it is about the attitude of the physical structure towards the prevailing effect caused by the same popular events. The adoption of this one lifestyle and the other in one time by the very same physical structure would not mean the end of life or time, not at all, rather the provocation of more consequence...


BLOOD OF DESTRUCTION. When the blood within the physical structu r e is defiled. First it is blood, then flesh and bones, the formation of the physical structure complete with its own seed. This is a place wherein the physical life itself has abode and found shelter, and without this same structure this same life is a wanderer on the physical universe. And then after that same formation of this same physical structure, the formation of blood, bones, and flesh, then this same life descended from where it had hung on from time to time and straightaway into the depths of this same physical structure itself, and because of this same reality, then a permanent affinity and proximity emerged between the two. The impulses that had also been given that right to exist, even before the formation of all these things of the physical structure, observed everything when it was starting, this same formation of things of blood and bones, and to the very same structure formed in this same manner they we...


THE WAR AGAINST FAILURE. When comfort has been taken away. Life itself is filled with problems and troubles that seems stubborn and uncontrollable, with the causes of the very same troubles themselves being a difficult puzzle ever presented to the physical structure itself, and because of them it sometimes difficult for this same physical structure to know all about what and who it is. The possibility for that knowledge and understanding about everything might be there in the face of all these things, or it might be that certain things will have to be done or happen before that understanding comes along, or that a certain standing reason is inherently existent behind the nature of this same kind of situation. It is a secret that is owned by life, it has kept it on its own, and therefore, it might expose everything or completely hide away all things. As obstacles of life keeps rearing themselves day in and out as part of their own search for any possible weakest link, then the one on th...


THE ANGER OF LIFE. When the physicality is being taught a lesson for what and who it is. The anger of life itself has always been a thorn in the life of the physical structure itself, now that through it life has always made sure that it teaches this same physical structure a lesson to carry on from one time to another of its own existence, it could not escape it  at all, rather face it and then have a taste of how it feels like having to be alive. This same anger, provoked through the commitments of this same physical structure, has always ensured this structure harrowing experiences, and there are certain recommendations coming with it, otherwise that victory will never be attained at all. As usual, obstacles will always be there on the road leading to that life of victory, exerting their all in their quest for conquest against the one searching for success, trying their best to have that desperation installed within the heart and mind of the warrior, shaking them this way and th...


CONSEQUENCES OF THINGS THAT HAS BEEN. When baffled by things that has been done . The physical universe itself, as a place that is home to a variety of living creatures, is also a place that is filled with different activities and experiences, thanks to this same living organisms. These are the organisms that has been given that power to commit this one activity and that one by mother nature itself, the mother of everything that is active and alive, and had it not been for this great mother none of these same living organisms would be active enough to observe all of the gracious glories this same great mother is capable of, and therefore, they do really owe this same  great mother big time. Now, if this same great mother was having that one big mouth through which to express her own comments as far as the activities of these same subjects of hers are concerned, then it would do so at a certain time in this life, but now life has not allowed her to  perform that kind of an audi...


GIVEN TO THE DESTROYER. When life punished the physical structure with the end . The conditions of life themselves has been advancing and moving through the course of time, they had been transforming from one nature to another, coming with this kind of reality currently while leading to another one in another time.   This is life, and we are all living it. Since everything in this same life happens on the basis of a certain prevailing reason, same thing applied to the nature of such conditions, the underlying reason coming with such conditions so to speak, and as it applied in those times when the present had not yet  come, with this life still moving on, then it will still apply to the very same present time, now that there are no two lives in this life, rather one life though so many a experiences. It is still with the physical universe the very same life, taking it, alongside its own inhabitants, from this one time to another, casting them all into this one experience ...


WHERE DID IT GO WRONG? When creating false pretexts in life. The physical universe itself is a natural commodity and property that is a composition of a variety of mineral resources. Diamond here gold over there, iron here silver over there, and even coal here or salt over there. It is just the natural wealth no living organism can ignore, it is existent, realistic, and powerful this wealth frankly speaking. As part of the physical universe itself, this same wealth was formed when such things of the beginning of things took place, and therefore, no living organism saw anything when all these things of natural wealth were formed, instead, all of the physical creatures were brought into existence only to find this wealth already existing, none of them knew or saw anything about the beginning of this same wealth. These are the natural but physical resources unto which power to attract and seduce was given by this same life on its own, the facilitator of everything, and since they were for...