When the physicality is being taught a lesson for what and who it is.

The anger of life itself has always been a thorn in the life of the physical structure itself, now that through it life has always made sure that it teaches this same physical structure a lesson to carry on from one time to another of its own existence, it could not escape it  at all, rather face it and then have a taste of how it feels like having to be alive. This same anger, provoked through the commitments of this same physical structure, has always ensured this structure harrowing experiences, and there are certain recommendations coming with it, otherwise that victory will never be attained at all. As usual, obstacles will always be there on the road leading to that life of victory, exerting their all in their quest for conquest against the one searching for success, trying their best to have that desperation installed within the heart and mind of the warrior, shaking them this way and that way so as to effect that desperation in them, so that, after all that desperation  has succeeded in the life of the one fighting against such obstacles, then the anger of life might shift its own focus from sources of this same obstacles to the desperate warrior. But then, conscience would be existent in the face of all these, patiently awaiting there for the victim of the situation to come over and then claim their own share, it would be dragging on the likes of justice and mercy with it, so that, after the victim has so far submitted themselves to the recommendations thereof, then the very same justice and mercy might welcome them into a new life of their existence, where understanding about this same life would also be existent, and through it they shall be able to spot the weaknesses they used to have in this life, realize the manners of justice through which to behave themselves, and then recognize the nature of  the veil of deception that used to stray  and lead them into a life of troubles and destruction. And after all those things of recommendations has so far been embraced by the former sufferer and victim of the situation, with that victory against such agents of deception and destruction having long been attained, and conquest effected in their existence, then the anger of life would be taken away from the former sufferer and victim of the situation, justice and mercy be imposed upon them, life would have had a second if not another thought about them, and then peace of mind shall be with them.



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