When the blood within the physical structure is defiled.

First it is blood, then flesh and bones, the formation of the physical structure complete with its own seed. This is a place wherein the physical life itself has abode and found shelter, and without this same structure this same life is a wanderer on the physical universe. And then after that same formation of this same physical structure, the formation of blood, bones, and flesh, then this same life descended from where it had hung on from time to time and straightaway into the depths of this same physical structure itself, and because of this same reality, then a permanent affinity and proximity emerged between the two. The impulses that had also been given that right to exist, even before the formation of all these things of the physical structure, observed everything when it was starting, this same formation of things of blood and bones, and to the very same structure formed in this same manner they were attracted. They were tempted, by this life, to descend there and then prove themselves. Man??
Now, after the descent thereof, with that full access to the things of blood and bones having been attained and being with them, then the only remaining thing for them was to take advantage of the moment and straightaway satisfy their desires. But now, a  certain strong whirlwind of  a battle had to ensue from among them, these same impulses, since there was a strong disagreement issuing from their midst, now that they never subscribed to one and the same order of the given life, this strong altercation, now that this one impulse maintained a certain form of life and another one the other form no matter what one life the all existed in,  man, it was a tough battle, a deep strife so to speak, and as this kind of situation remained each and every impulse was determined to see its way through and therefore, an ultimate warfare lay there for them to engage each other. Man??
The physical structure itself could have never been unaffected by all these given its own exposure thereto, it was bound to be involved also now that life had already descended to it. As this kind of a situation unfolded, with this same structure being exposed thereto, then confusion and frustration started closing in on the same structure, this impulse of desperation and ignorance, and as it was then shaken from one side to another by the very same impulse, understanding seemed to be going a little more distant time after time, thus giving this one impulse an opportunity to even rule in this one natural structure. But now, since this same structure had been allowed in this life to exist alongside the seed of its own blood, then time favored it throughout the course of this same life as far as that advantage of things of physical seed is concerned, and this is where this same impulse had come in for the perfect match, this same push back from the seed of pure blood, and the more these impulses kept engaging each other was the more the physical structure itself, alongside its own seed, was getting affected, but still this same life had to go on and on until this one reality has been fulfilled and paved the way for another one. Man??



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