When baffled by things that has been done.

The physical universe itself, as a place that is home to a variety of living creatures, is also a place that is filled with different activities and experiences, thanks to this same living organisms. These are the organisms that has been given that power to commit this one activity and that one by mother nature itself, the mother of everything that is active and alive, and had it not been for this great mother none of these same living organisms would be active enough to observe all of the gracious glories this same great mother is capable of, and therefore, they do really owe this same  great mother big time. Now, if this same great mother was having that one big mouth through which to express her own comments as far as the activities of these same subjects of hers are concerned, then it would do so at a certain time in this life, but now life has not allowed her to  perform that kind of an audible activity, let alone silence and quietness. But this is the kind of a speechless attitude that is not without its own words to express, the silent attitude that is not void of any action to undertake in any given due time, when this life does recommend frankly speaking. These are the silent words that would secretly whisper to components of these same living organisms, calling this one component to order while recommending this one activity for one concerned organism, rebuking this one organism one way while chastising the other another way, her words would remain embedded in the depths of this same life itself, thus compelling the main subject of this same life to take a dive into such depths and align themselves with what is naturally commendable, only for the assurance of their own awareness of what is there to be said by this same silent speaker. This is the speaker that is having their own ways to address sensitive issues, the speaker that would apparently remain nonexistent and unable to act, and there she would be sitting with her hands wrapped around herself, awaiting the moment when this same life, the facilitator of everything, allows her to take that final action, and as she sat quietly there the focus would have been fixed on the commitments of these same living organisms. These are the living organisms that would have been given that life to live by the facilitator of everything themselves, certain expectations about them would have been existent within the heart and mind of this same facilitator, and the mother alike, as far as the orientation of their own life is concerned and the nature of their daily activities.



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