When life punished the physical structure with the end.

The conditions of life themselves has been advancing and moving through the course of time, they had been transforming from one nature to another, coming with this kind of reality currently while leading to another one in another time. 
 This is life, and we are all living it.
Since everything in this same life happens on the basis of a certain prevailing reason, same thing applied to the nature of such conditions, the underlying reason coming with such conditions so to speak, and as it applied in those times when the present had not yet  come, with this life still moving on, then it will still apply to the very same present time, now that there are no two lives in this life, rather one life though so many a experiences. It is still with the physical universe the very same life, taking it, alongside its own inhabitants, from this one time to another, casting them all into this one experience at one stage and the other experience in another stage, it does not have any power this same physical universe, nor the inhabitants thereof, to control the dynamics of this same life, now that they are all incapable of telling this same life what the coming hour should be made out of or how the future should look like, theirs is to observe, take action and then await this same life to take its own decisions, and all such decisions would be based on a certain dominant reason however. But then, this same physical universe, alongside everything in it, was formed for a certain purpose, that is the reason these same inhabitants thereof are always expected, by the facilitator of everything, to submit themselves to the recommendations coming with the purpose for which everything was formed in the beginning. The tempestuous death had always been present in the midst of all these, and there has always been a strong reason behind the existence thereof, these wrangling impulses with dominion over this same physical universe alongside everything in it, it just cannot escape them this same universe nor any inhabitant thereof, it has been positioned lower than them straight from the beginning of things, and therefore, it is bound to obey. As this same life kept moving on and on, with this one experience rearing its own existence with each and every moment of the common experience and the other in another time, and the inhabitants of the very same physical universe busy taking advantage of the natural privileges preserved for them in the beginning of things, the privilege to make this one choice in this life and the other in another time on the basis of a certain strong reason, this one dominant impulse pushing the concerned physical structure into action from behind, then death also took turns moving on with times of life, consistently searching for any possible target to pounce upon and destroy, it was busy utilizing the powers it had received in the beginning of things, and as its powers existed back then, so shall it be from time to time, until this same life, the facilitator of everything, had decided in another different way. And there they had been falling victims of this same powerful destroyer the inhabitants of the physical universe, one by one, strong and weak, powerful and the less fortunate, poor and rich, female and male, accused and innocent, just and wicked, life had decided to punish them with the destroyer of that nature, and a certain strong reason lies there under the nature of this same experience. It knows why this life and therefor
e, it can reveal all or hide everything. Man!!



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