When comfort has been taken away.

Life itself is filled with problems and troubles that seems stubborn and uncontrollable, with the causes of the very same troubles themselves being a difficult puzzle ever presented to the physical structure itself, and because of them it sometimes difficult for this same physical structure to know all about what and who it is. The possibility for that knowledge and understanding about everything might be there in the face of all these things, or it might be that certain things will have to be done or happen before that understanding comes along, or that a certain standing reason is inherently existent behind the nature of this same kind of situation. It is a secret that is owned by life, it has kept it on its own, and therefore, it might expose everything or completely hide away all things. As obstacles of life keeps rearing themselves day in and out as part of their own search for any possible weakest link, then the one on the receiving end of hardships might find themselves tempted to give up all things of preliminary success that this life had already decided to throw out to them, thus giving desperation that chance to destroy and ruin their life, now that after that sudden weakness of their heart and mind, then a way through would be found by such prowling temptations into their own life. Life would have already made a call in the face of all these, having lifted its voices to its own subjects calling them into submission, expecting them to comply with what is commendable as usual, and to each and every call that is being made an accompanying portend  would be standing by to take a dive in due time, so that the one exposed unto all these things might not come to complain at the end that no warning sign was given in the first place, rather do so only when failing to provide a solid reason for their standing contempt. Such temptations, as usual, would be celebrating the accompaniment of blasphemy and the very same contempt, pressing their victim to become their agent on every angle of their own lives, haunting them from time to time they could not find that peace of mind in their own lives. Failure itself would also be celebrating the given moment, now that in the presence of both confusion and desperation issuing from the victim of the situation, it would be knowing very well that it is closing in on them, creating a certain sense of discomfort within the very same victim, making them wonder where this life is leading them to and what to expect next, but still this life would keep blazing that light of guidance in the middle of this same quackery, this way and that way only so as an attempt to serve as an eye opener to the same victim, expecting them to utilize the given moment for the better and straightaway subjugate the imminent failure, now that for as long as failure itself is existent in this life, then even success might be there, and it will only take that  strong courage and determination for the victim to embrace the given agent of deliverance and straightaway attain victory against the harrowing situation. Life would have taken every effort to rescue them, and therefore, the sole blame would remain before them should they succumb to the dynamics of the troublesome situation.



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