THE UNKNOWN. Too much questions to ask and more answers to get. In this life wherein we are living there is a lot of questions for which we the people,as the beneficiaries of physical life itself,are searching for their answers,such questions,that we do have in life,are different from one person to the other depending on what lifestyle one particular person is inclined to.Some of us might even die or pass away,in our lives,without having attained answers to the questions that we had been having in our heads.This is so as a result of the complicated nature and deepness of life itself,now that certain things would be taken away from the most superficial part of life and then cast into the deeper extremes of this same life,so that whosoever might be curious about such things of the deep will have to be taken,by this same life on its own,to the extremes of such depths.And there they shall get what they had been looking for in their life.Given the nature of us the people and the manner...