
Showing posts from December, 2021


THE UNKNOWN. Too much questions to ask and more answers to get. In this life wherein we are living there is a lot of questions for which we the people,as the beneficiaries of physical life itself,are searching for their answers,such questions,that we do have in life,are different from one person to the other depending on what lifestyle one particular person is inclined to.Some of us might even die or pass away,in our lives,without having attained answers to the questions that we had been having in our heads.This is so as a result of the complicated nature and deepness of life itself,now that certain things would be taken away from the most superficial part of life and then cast into the deeper extremes of this same life,so that whosoever might be curious about such things of the deep will  have to be taken,by this same life on its own,to the extremes of such depths.And there they shall get what they had been looking for in their life.Given the nature of us the people and the manner...


COURAGE TO LIVE. When what you want is de termined by your co urage. Determination itself is key to any effort and endeavor,a basic foundation to any kind of a mission,and without it that eventual success can never be attained at all,let alone all things fall apart and collapse.Dreams will always be dreams,and unless they do  contain that ingredient of determination in them then what they are capable of achieving will remain a useless component worthy of rejection,now that the main substance of realness lies within the power of determination itself, and without it that determination that realness is of no value and meaning.We can dream big time,have great wishes about this and that in our lives,but as long as we are not determined to see all through to a successful ending,then such dreams and wishes of ours will remain empty and without any substance,now that within our courageous determination lies the power and ability to truthfully fulfill such dreams and wishes of ours,and as l...

speaking mouth.

INACTIVE PHYSIC.  The talent of rhetoric and curse of reluctance. I t is a matter of fact that we the people of the physical universe has been blessed with that capacity to express the nature of our feelings through our own spoken words,this is the kind of a blessing most creatures has been deprived of,for even though such disadvantaged creatures might have certain feelings burning within them they may still find it impossible to express them through the words of their own mouths, unless try making certain gesturing demonstrations.These are the creatures that does not have any choice at all but to use that sign language every time there is a certain message they do want to convey,now that their tongues has been cursed with that incapacity to generate any meaningful word,let alone strange noises and sounds meant to grab the attention of the prospective target.We the people of the physical universe are not so however,we have been blessed with that capacity to speak our feelings out,a...


Dynamics of life. The ups and downs life is made out of. You know, life is having its own way of making things to happen,the things of the coming future are the most deeper secrets of life itself,it can just proclaim them to the lucky few or completely hide them away from the knowledge and conscience of everyone.It can just bring about all the goodness that do make everybody feel confident and satisfied about who and what they are,or unleash all the bitterness to have everyone feeling desperate and frustrated,and confused about what next step to take so as to avoid that particular harrowing life experience while wondering what is coming next of the present,wondering whether what is to follow will be less severe or extremely punishing.And when it has finally arranged and organized the timeline of its own progression it would then let all things of its own missions loose,and when they had been loosened up no living creature will be spared from the effect thereof,let alone be given a tast...


LIFE OF DESTRUCTION  Drugs are taking them there. Life is a reality that needs to be treated with respect,and it doesn't matter what nature of  a particular living organism,life itself will always compel us to behave and present ourselves in a certain manner that is in line with the recommended standards of living.One might be rich or poor,powerful or disadvantaged,black or white,young or old,still this same life will see to it that one's steps of physical performance are monitored and supervised from time to time,so as to find out whether that particular individual's lifestyle is in line with those recommended standards of living,and of course,it will always be the mandate of this same life to bless each individual organism with certain endowments,but only on the basis of the findings emanating from the supervisory measures executed by life on its own. Now,the problem with us the people of the physical universe is that we do fail in most cases to consider that fact,that th...


  BROAD LIFE. One life for everyone. It is a well-known fact that this life was not created only for a certain group of living organisms while another is deprived from enjoying this amazing phenomenon called life;rather made available for any organism irrespective of class and type;and for that matter;every organism is having that right to live in peace without having to fear victimization and prejudice;be respected and treated with that deserved dignity where harassment and injustice can be shunned by some other organisms that might consider themselves higher than others in terms of physical power and strength.We the people of the universe are obviously one part of the living organisms;and therefore;we are also compelled in a natural way to show our determination and desire to live in harmony and peace with others;where one won't look down on someone else because of who and what they are;even if the physical and social status of the other might be of lower or higher degree in term...


THE THIRST FOR BLOOD. The sign of missing love. It cannot be denied that life itself is based on love and gentleness,where anything lovely will  have to look good to the eye and appealing to the heart;and therefore,for every living creature to enjoy that sense of life in it that particular creature will have to firstly have that feel of love,and also feel to be loved,for in the absence of that feeling of love and being loved no happiness can be attained at all,let alone displeasure and mounting wretchedness.Love itself on the other hand is a reality that cannot be fulfilled with just a mere rhetoric and lack of backing action,for as long as this same phenomenon called love do take place in a physical world its motives will also have to be proven the physical way;therefore;it is impossible for one to claim to be loving while that particular person is unable to show any practical action to prove that claim of theirs;now that in this universe of visibility whatever deed is claimed pos...