The sign of missing love.
It cannot be denied that life itself is based on love and gentleness,where anything lovely will have to look good to the eye and appealing to the heart;and therefore,for every living creature to enjoy that sense of life in it that particular creature will have to firstly have that feel of love,and also feel to be loved,for in the absence of that feeling of love and being loved no happiness can be attained at all,let alone displeasure and mounting wretchedness.Love itself on the other hand is a reality that cannot be fulfilled with just a mere rhetoric and lack of backing action,for as long as this same phenomenon called love do take place in a physical world its motives will also have to be proven the physical way;therefore;it is impossible for one to claim to be loving while that particular person is unable to show any practical action to prove that claim of theirs;now that in this universe of visibility whatever deed is claimed possible and existent that particular deed will have to be made visible through practical means and measures,and until then that deed would be considered dead and impossible.This is how the dynamics of the physical universe goes;much as it is that this is the physical universe where we the physical creatures do exist;and therefore;we are not immune from such physical compulsions.
The killing and bloodshed on its own is not a perfect solution with which to solve our deepening problems every time we do come across them,rather a mean through which to make matters worse and life bitter for both ourselves and those closer to us,for out of such brutal and cruel activities of ours,as far as blood shedding is concerned,our failure to meet certain standards of perfection would then deteriorate,and for that matter,find ourselves in a regrettable situation wherein things already done wouldn't be able to erase or undo.And as a result of that particular failure of ours life itself might become rude against us,rendering us mentally restless and drowned,and out of that mental restlessness and depression we might find ourselves confused and desperate while not knowing what should be done so as to have our lost peace of mind and happiness recovered.The perfect solution to deal with stubborn problems that would not go away or keep repeating themselves over and over again in a relationship,especially the romantic one,will have to be the concession that it is about time everyone had started living the life of their own desires,rather than forcing one into something they are not looking for nor prepared to accept,for out of that forceful act the suppressed party might pretend to be happy with that kind of an unwelcome situation while planning for an undesirable revenge or unexpected fightback,and of course,the consequences of that particular revenge and fightback might be dire and destructive to the very same union itself and everyone concerned,even down to the most vulnerable,in this case little children.And as the innocent little children do get affected by such disastrous and negative consequences,they might also lose their childhood pleasures and start feeling depressed and frustrated,or fall victims of a destructive round of bloodshed.
Now,considering the physical world in which we as the physical creatures are all living,what we are actually faced with is a serious challenge of having to prove our claims through our physical and visibly practical actions,and for that matter of practical and visible action love is the main challenge we are faced with,the fulfillment thereof through our practical actions so to speak.Our romantic relationships themselves are a perfect example.These are the places wherein the main challenge to prove our loving capacity lies,we would find ourselves having been pinned down to a serious responsibility of having to show those with whom we are in that particular relationship that sense of gracious tender,where every commitment is undertaken under that sense of mutual trust and understanding,without having to point a blaming finger on one every time a certain temptation or challenge do try to shake the strength of that particular union,rather to sit everyone down,engage with them,and gently deal with that serious matter.And by the time the problem is faced and dealt with the proper way;its intensity would then become less severe,and it would then become flexible and easy to quell and suppress,and by the end of that harrowing challenge and temptation our practical capacity to be faithful to the words of our mouths would have long been proven and approved naturally.
It is a serious task we are faced with as far as the world of relationships is concerned;and it does not matter what kind of a relationship it might be;now that wherever more than one party is existent there also ought to be the existence of a mutual sympathy every time one thing or two is done;only so as a mean of avoidance of certain prejudicial incidents that might compromise the sanctity of that particular union.Perfection;on the other hand;is another aspect of life that is challenging us from time to time as we do get on with our daily commitments;and as its challenging capacity do submerge our courage to do what is right;rendering us failures and completely useless;we would then search for certain wrongful means through which to satisfy the desires of our wrongful motives;only as a result of our failure to try and align our lifestyles with one set of the recommended conditions of life of perfection.
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