Too much questions to ask and more answers to get.
In this life wherein we are living there is a lot of questions for which we the people,as the beneficiaries of physical life itself,are searching for their answers,such questions,that we do have in life,are different from one person to the other depending on what lifestyle one particular person is inclined to.Some of us might even die or pass away,in our lives,without having attained answers to the questions that we had been having in our heads.This is so as a result of the complicated nature and deepness of life itself,now that certain things would be taken away from the most superficial part of life and then cast into the deeper extremes of this same life,so that whosoever might be curious about such things of the deep will have to be taken,by this same life on its own,to the extremes of such depths.And there they shall get what they had been looking for in their life.Given the nature of us the people and the manner in which we were created,we would tend to think that there are no any existing answers,in life,to the questions riddling us deep down there,and some of us would even rush into certain conclusions that this life was created,in the first place,not to be understood,and we would be doing so only as a result of our failing intelligence limiting our capacity to get what we want.
Given the nature of life itself and the manner in which it do have its own way of presenting realities,we would be reminded from time to time,by a certain silent reminder silently talking with us,about the things we are obsessed with and as such,looking for in our lives,and it is because of that very same silent reminder's efforts that we won't find that peace of mind in our lives until we have attained what we had been searching for.And as that silent reminder do engage with us from time to time,we would then find that effect difficult to resist while feeling compelled to listen to what message is being conveyed,and after experimenting with what was being conveyed across we would then start understanding what a challenge of maximum proportions has so far been presented to our lives,and the more we try to ignore it would be the more it do seek to keep us abreast on matters that do count more in this life.And as that silent reminder do keep reminding us of things troubling us in our lives,we would then start feeling there is something hidden from our capacities as ordinary people,and maybe made accessible to certain unknown supernatural beings,all these things would be done so by some of us only after having started to understand how deep this life is, and how challenging is it to try and familiarize one's self with the imposing challenges presented by this same life on it's own.
Such are the challenges some of which might be punishing to deal with,while others simple and better,but then the main truth lies in the fact that none of us as living creatures do have that power or right to choose what challenges should be cast into our lives,rather observe with great dismay as such riveting challenges do advance into our lives,and as they had eventually arrived we would find ourselves being compelled to make that bitter admission that an unwelcome situation is with us.And then they would swing us from one side to another in this life,get on with their own way while given that power to effect their impact,leaving us wondering how we had ended in that particular unwelcome situation or how we could have escaped it,if ever possible,or how to try and avoid them right now,if ever possible,or find the right person in life to help rescue us from our disaster,if ever existent,and one by one we would fall to the sword of such ravaging challenges,and from one time to another deadly swords would be utilized by such challenges,wielding them so as to have their natural mission aimed at a particular target fulfilled.
But great thing about life itself is that,to each and every challenge a way around is always existent,much as it is that to every existing question a suitable answer is always existent,it is just a matter of how to attain that particular triumph against the existing challenge,much as it is that it will always be a matter of how to attain that particular answer to a certain troublesome question,and that is how this life is,that to every problem there is always a solution,same as there is an answer to every existing question.
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