Dynamics of life.

The ups and downs life is made out of.

You know, life is having its own way of making things to happen,the things of the coming future are the most deeper secrets of life itself,it can just proclaim them to the lucky few or completely hide them away from the knowledge and conscience of everyone.It can just bring about all the goodness that do make everybody feel confident and satisfied about who and what they are,or unleash all the bitterness to have everyone feeling desperate and frustrated,and confused about what next step to take so as to avoid that particular harrowing life experience while wondering what is coming next of the present,wondering whether what is to follow will be less severe or extremely punishing.And when it has finally arranged and organized the timeline of its own progression it would then let all things of its own missions loose,and when they had been loosened up no living creature will be spared from the effect thereof,let alone be given a taste of what does it mean having to be alive.The main weakness emanating from us the physical creatures of the physical universe has always been that one of looking at this same life from a certain fixed perspective,without even having to bother expanding our expectations to the realms of what can be the opposite of our most common expectation,and when the opposite tend to become a possibility we would then start feeling wretched and hated or betrayed by life itself.Our main fault would have long been that one of looking at this life from a certain fixed perspective of our own.

Life itself has never been a free-falling reality,not at all,rather a challenging phenomenon filled with all manber of ups and downs where riveting problems that at times may seem stubborn to go away are a common feature,and sometimes as the search for goodness do advance on it may seem as if that that goodness will never be attained at all,given the need for ultimate devotion and commitment in the quest for that goodness,no matter what imposing and daunting challenges very rife in the surroundings wherein we might find ourselves as the struggling physical creatures hoping for the best in the face of the worst.Desperation itself is an image of the ultimate stumbling block threatening the missions of the physical creatures in their quest for goodness,and as it keeps on advancing its realms in the vicinity of our surroundings,wreaking havoc in our lives,submerging the physical universe into the depths of its relentless powers,it may then seem as if no any effort of attempted goodness will ever prosper,and it can only take the courage of the most hopeful and brave to seek to align the senses of their own hearts and minds with the hunting impulse of goodness hovering the atmospheres about.It does not come with that ease that goodness though,neither is the attainment of that courage to be focused in difficult moments a simple thing,it can only take the most devoted and determined to wrestle the tempestuous efforts of the impulse of desperation every time it tries to fortify its presence within the heart and mind of one.
The reality of life being a two-sided phenomenon compels us as the physical creatures to always have different expectations in our lives,now that it is true that at times goodness might become a seeming permanent parcel in our lives,or bitterness a permanent guest within our daily lifestyles,it will just depend how far are we determined to deal with matters at hand,no matter how daunting and challenging they may seem.But the main problem with us the physical creatures has always been that one of looking at this life with only one expectation,that goodness will always be part of our lives, and that bitterness will always be a guest in someone else's household but not ours,and when life tend to present realities that are way beyond our expectations we would then start becoming quarrelsome and feeling that life is being unfair with us.But this how this life itself is,it does not care about anyone's expectations,it is rather having it's own way of making things happen,taking this one reality from our presence and putting another instead,and as goodness itself has been made to be one feature of life itself so be bitterness,and when the time for either one to be our guest has come we don't have to feel blasphemous nor quarrelsome at all,no,not at all,rather to feel free having to make that concession that this life has eventually decided the time has come for all such matters as to which we are grappling with to be with us,Life is having its own way of making things happen,and it doesn't care what nature of someone else's expectations.


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