Drugs are taking them there.
Now,the problem with us the people of the physical universe is that we do fail in most cases to consider that fact,that this life needs to be treated with the respect it do deserve.As we do get on with our daily lives we would find ourselves,in one occasion or another,committing ourselves into one activity or another, and as we do fulfill all those things we would be doing so on the basis of our own desires,and we would not stop at anything until we've fulfilled one desirous activity or another,our desires would be burning us deep down there.And as natural as it has always been the case,jubilation would then overwhelm our hearts every time one particular activity had seen its successful ending,and we would be doing all these things so as to accommodate the desires of our personal lifestyles.
As we do get on with all such things of our own desires,succeeding in this one goal here and another over there,life itself would not be standing in one place even though not changing from what it is naturally standing for into something different,and as it moves on like that it would not be leaving its close companion behind,in this case time itself,they would rather be holding each other hand in hand and moving on,and as they do move on like that the impact of their effect would then be observed from anything that is under the control of the two,and unfortunately nothing in life is having the capacity and power to avoid or influence the effects of this same duo,they are so powerful,man,strong strong!
As we do get on with our life like that,celebrating this one life achievement here and another over there,we would become forgetful however of the impossibility of undoing things already done,and also the impossibility of turning back the things that life has already given away,we would rather be deeply drugged by the material achievements surrounding us and then think that everything do or will end up only right there and nothing else,fooling ourselves we would be doing surely!
Life and time would not be sparing us from getting what we do really deserve,and all such things as to which we do deserve would be based on our initial commitments and nature of our desires,and above all, the nature of our personal lifestyles,all these things would be weighed by the duo itself and then a suitable reward be proposed.This is where the main problem lies in for most of us the people,for as we do get on with our personal lifestyles of our own choice we tend to forget that in life there is always a final moment wherein one will always get what they deserve,and when it all come down to us we would then start wondering how come.Our children are not immune from this kind of an attitude,and it does not come as a wonder given the fact that what is running in their blood is what they have inherited from us as their parents.Their life of drug addiction is a perfect example,here you get young little school boys and girls who do choose to betray their life of innocence and straightaway embrace a lifestyle of notoriety,with drugs having come to characterize the nature of that particular lifestyle.Terrorizing the people they would then do,using all possible tactics and techniques to effect terror among communities,and when the final moment for them to get what they deserve has come,they would also become victims of their own drug addiction,lying dead and unconscious down there as a result of a previous bout of drug overdose.Life is having its own way of presenting things surely.
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