speaking mouth.


The talent of rhetoric and curse of reluctance.

It is a matter of fact that we the people of the physical universe has been blessed with that capacity to express the nature of our feelings through our own spoken words,this is the kind of a blessing most creatures has been deprived of,for even though such disadvantaged creatures might have certain feelings burning within them they may still find it impossible to express them through the words of their own mouths, unless try making certain gesturing demonstrations.These are the creatures that does not have any choice at all but to use that sign language every time there is a certain message they do want to convey,now that their tongues has been cursed with that incapacity to generate any meaningful word,let alone strange noises and sounds meant to grab the attention of the prospective target.We the people of the physical universe are not so however,we have been blessed with that capacity to speak our feelings out,and it just depend what nature of our own feelings that may drive us speaking certain words of a particular nature.
This is the kind of capacity wherein lies the snare and trap of our own lives,it will just depend however how one do take advantage of this same natural blessing,for despite the sanctity that comes with it,a possible curse may be lying therein also,it will just depend how one do embrace that given blessing,whether they do embrace it for what it is or seek to twist it around so as to meet the desires of their own envy.Dangerous as it is,twisting it around according to one's own desires may seem a simple and dignified commitment,at least in the thought of the main protagonist themselves,but then the resultant consequences do always tend to be unbearable and unacceptable,no matter what initial simplicity with which the main protagonist would have rushed into the twisting of that natural blessing for the assurance of their well-supplied desires.
As we do rush into the twisting of this same sacred blessing we would not see ourselves having fallen into our own traps one day,rather dream of ourselves having attained that eternal success in beating the sanctity of this natural blessing,and when the day for our dreams to be proven fruitless has come we would then start quarreling within ourselves while pretending we never knew from time to time that we have been living a lie in our lives.But great thing about life itself lies in the fact that it does not care about anyone else,it would just make things happen according to its own order and progress irrespective of who is who and who is not who.Another component of our weakness as the physical creatures has always been that one of having to be denial about who and what we are,we would then utilize this sacred blessing to build invisible walls that may help boost our life of being denial,while foolishly dreaming that life is indeed progressing according to our own wishes and dreams,and as part of our dreams we would even become deceptive to the less suspicious so as an attempt to have them seeing no any other future beside the one we are representing,only as a sign of our desperate attempt to pretend we know everything about life itself.
All these things would have been realized and committed through our wrongful utilization of this given sacred blessing,and as we do defile the sanctity of this same blessing we would visualize of ourselves having not to come across a certain time in our lives wherein this life itself would have finally decided the time has come for us to be given what we do deserve, and when it has eventually been directed to us we would then start wondering how come in life that we may deserve something of that proportion,only when being ashamed to accept our wrongful beginnings while pretending there is nothing amiss and erroneous committed of us in our lives.But despite all such tendencies of ours of being hell-bent towards utilizing this sacred blessing the wrongful way,so as our desperate attempt to try and control this life,it would still curse us wherever possible given our failure to do what is right,while preserving the goodness for those who would have chosen to utilize this same sacred blessing the right way.It is having its own way of making things happen
this life.


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