
Showing posts from August, 2021


  POWER OF MATERIAL. It is not a secret that the world of today is under the control and influence of material wealth and anything  associated with it;but if this kind of reality can be traced down to its origins it can be found that it is a legendary matter of its own proportions,in fact;there is nowhere in historical matters that the main cause of scuffles and wrestling alongside strives among nations and races of the  universe never revolved around the wealth of the earth itself;and it does not matter what nature and form of that particular wealth.Well;it is  just a material world this where all these things do take place;and therefore;no need for one to keep wondering at all. Honestly speaking;there is nothing untoward associated with the possession of this same material wealth;not at all;it is just a matter of how that possession  materialized rather that is of ultimate importance;whether one has worked very hard on their own to end up in possession of that...


  TORMENTED EMOTIONS. There is no need for any argument or denial about the fact that life itself is naturally based on love and respect;for truly speaking;there is no any existing creature of any kind whatsoever that can put any deed of any kind whatsoever into reality and practice without having firstly fallen in love with the form and nature of that particular deed;and the existing respect for the form and nature of that particular deed will always be demonstrated and proven on the final action itself and out of the  form and nature of the final action itself the truth about the initial mission and intention will always be known and observed;that has always been the nature of the natural progression of this good life itself and as such;there is no living creature that can escape or hide away from this realistic progression;unless through pretense though for a while and  then not anymore. Love itself on the other hand has always been a daunting challenge for us as livin...


  FUTURE SOCIETY. The behaviors and habits of the future generation will always depend on the nature of basic advice and guidance provided for by traditional elders of that particular generation;and it can  only be through  miraculous  magic and magical luck that some components of that particular generation do choose to defy the nature of that particular advice and guidance traditionally provided for. As the traditional elders of the  young generation we as parents do find ourselves at times bound to sit down our future stars;and feed them with all manner of advice and recommendations as part of our attempt to fulfill our parental responsibilities of grooming the future of these beloved stars.Great part of it will always be on the nature of advice and guidance provided for;much the same as the level of reception of that advice provided for and the determination to heed and obey it on the part of those unto whom that particular advice and guidance is aimed at an...


  TOWNSHIPS OF TERROR. South Africa itself is a democratic country whose claimed freedom from oppressive white rule had been attained some several years ago;in fact; more than a decade  to be exact.Under such so called new era of political independence a lot has happened;and most of things that came to characterize the arrival of this new political and historical era came as a real surprise for most of those who had never had that experience of political independence before;unsurprisingly though;now that before the arrival of those new historical and political times life was different from what it eventually  came out to be.As a perfect example under the then Republic of South Africa black people had to carry their identity documents every time they moved around from one place to another;or prohibited from certain preserved places and even disallowed from participation in any political activities; a real life of suppression in other descriptive terms. It was not amazing t...


DANGER OF WORLDLY LUXURIES. The world in which we live is filled with a lot of luxuries and attractive elements difficult to resist and overlook. It can not be denied on one hand that we as living individuals do find ourselves at one  point or another in our lives tempted to just try our hands on some of such worldly but seductive luxuries and straightaway satisfy our craving desires, but great importance lies in the way through which we as living individuals do supply our craving desires with those existing worldly luxuries and how far do we get on with  that practice. It can not be denied however that as we do experiment with all  these  existing worldly seductions  some of us do have a great parental burden to sustain and maintain where we would find ourselves compelled to oversee the well-being of our children so as to demonstrate our goodwill in terms  of responsible parenting. In most cases what our children do get from us is what they end up followin...


INITIALLY UP AND EVENTUALLY  DOWN. The universe itself is a haven and a paradise of all different living species;and the human being also forms an integral part of the reality that this life is.This is a creature that had naturally been incapacitated with extended mental capacity most living species had been deprived of;alongside given magical  hands through which to help practically  fulfill the contents of the heart and mind.These are special attributes  most living organisms had been deprived of and maybe are wishing they also had been counted as the rightful candidates  for that offer.However;no matter what specialty as far as the candidacy for that offer is concerned this same candidate is having conditions under which to utilize the gifted attributes the rightful way.This is the kind of condition this candidate can never escape or overrule;no matter what an attempt to do so or arrogant assertions made that there is no any element of validity existent ...


A DEN OF DRUG ADDICTION. A scene from Struben street downtown Pretoria city. South Africa itself is a country with a history marked by both tribal and racial struggles with each struggle characterized by the determination to dominate and rule.The mineral resources of this same African country also played a central role in stoking that  struggle for dominance and superiority as each race and tribe fought tirelessly in the quest for control over the very same wealth of the country. Tribal wars that stood predominant only helped sending this southern African country deep into the edges of extreme disaster and underdevelopment as each classified tribe tried its best to outdo and conquer the other and thus gain superiority and arrogant pride;and of course;too much  of bloodshed and loss of life was involved in all those tribal stand-offs.Out of the advantage of such  tribal wars and fraternal adversity the  then Voortrekkers/Boers of South Africa gained objective advancem...


  LIFE OF GOODNESS. Life is a reality that comes with endless conditions and restrictions that are indiscriminate of any liv ing organism.None of us as living beings is free from such  binding laws and restrictions of this good life no matter how arrogant we may proudly consider ourselves special and therefore free from such crucial fundamentals.It does not matter on one side how well off or powerful one may be;whether one is a millionaire beast with all manner of luxurious matter surrounding them consistently;or a leading political figure with all worldly powers to issue endless injunctions now and then while warning those who are being recalcitrant;such  fundamental laws of life will still remain binding to them all. None of us as living beings will be observed as being compliant with all those recommendations of the fundamental laws of life through our words of mouth only;no; not at all;but with our corresponding actions also;for truly speaking there is nothing more i...


  FIXED THINKING. Most people of my age can make a confession of challenging experiences we used to encounter back then in the absence of these modern democratic privileges.Some of us can still feel free to sit down our little ones and take them down the harrowing realities of  the past and painstaking memories,or even tell them how we ended up acquiring such economic achievements they are freely exposed to and how all what they have today had been secured of us with them in mind.It can be only a few of them that can take our past experiences to heart given the nature of the current state of affairs they are exposed to,while some may contend that those are things of times gone by and should therefore be left where they belong to.  Well, there may be no need on our part to blame these little ignorant beings given the way in which life has chosen to favor them when it comes to the availability of almost all the luxuries some of us missed when we were of their age. But that ...