POWER OF MATERIAL. It is not a secret that the world of today is under the control and influence of material wealth and anything associated with it;but if this kind of reality can be traced down to its origins it can be found that it is a legendary matter of its own proportions,in fact;there is nowhere in historical matters that the main cause of scuffles and wrestling alongside strives among nations and races of the universe never revolved around the wealth of the earth itself;and it does not matter what nature and form of that particular wealth.Well;it is just a material world this where all these things do take place;and therefore;no need for one to keep wondering at all. Honestly speaking;there is nothing untoward associated with the possession of this same material wealth;not at all;it is just a matter of how that possession materialized rather that is of ultimate importance;whether one has worked very hard on their own to end up in possession of that...