Most people of my age can make a confession of challenging experiences we used to encounter back then in the absence of these modern democratic privileges.Some of us can still feel free to sit down our little ones and take them down the harrowing realities of  the past and painstaking memories,or even tell them how we ended up acquiring such economic achievements they are freely exposed to and how all what they have today had been secured of us with them in mind.It can be only a few of them that can take our past experiences to heart given the nature of the current state of affairs they are exposed to,while some may contend that those are things of times gone by and should therefore be left where they belong to. 

Well, there may be no need on our part to blame these little ignorant beings given the way in which life has chosen to favor them when it comes to the availability of almost all the luxuries some of us missed when we were of their age. But that doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong with these little domestic properties,especially when it comes to their thinking and reasoning capacity,for truly speaking it is totally impossible for one to know and understand the importance of the present in the absence of knowledge of the past.Therefore; it is highly important that no matter what democratic and luxurious privileges the youth of  the modern day is having knowledge of how things came to be as they are today should be  sought after and taught to them;wherefore should they stumble somewhere in life every time a particular event requiring their introspective capacity shows itself up! 

Sadly;most of modern day youth  is not in a position of taking life experiences with a considerate attention it requires;theirs is only to concentrate on things of the day while being ignorant and lethargic of days lying ahead;and that is where comes ultimate problem and trouble given their unpreparedness to heed parental advice and guidance every time an attempt is undertaken to give them a nudge.

People of my age can still remember for sure how life used to be back then in terms of respect for parents and how as young little children we perceived the societal status of our parents in relation to their superiority and life experiences, it was actually near impossible for any ill mannered child to go undisciplined;and therefore difficult for us as little children to contravene any given parental order unless when in pursuit of harsh punishment. Most of us were taught by these same strict parents to be prepared to work hard in this life if we are to ensure our happy future endings,we perceived them as being oppressive and cruel in most cases given our lack of matured life experiences,but still we were left with no choice but to comply;and that is how our mentality was fixed back then as children of those times.

Today;having eventually become adults and  responsible parents on our own what we  are seeing is what we have not seen before in terms of  the behavioral attitudes of  our children;most of us as parents are not getting what we have come to expect out of them;in fact;embarrassment and disappointment is what most of us as parents are getting and receiving from our beloved children as most of them are not prepared to listen and submit themselves to any given parental advice and guidance issuing from our experienced selves as matured parents;let alone live life according to their desires and commit whatever is perceived as justifiable to them no matter what unwelcome endings given their less life experience and immaturity.

It is really sad;very very sad what is becoming of our beloved little beings:young little girls reduced into a state of early motherhood with education having long  been overlooked of  them in the process as they are duped by their fixed born-free mentality that sees them becoming contemptuous of any available parental advice;older men are out and being exploitative of these careless but sexually appealing young little pretty faces;young little boys are reduced into hooligans and predators that terrorizes communities of their surroundings while under the spell of born-free mentality that sees them being boastful that democratic rights are by their side and as such no any given parent might try lifting their hand in  an attempt to discipline them as they are busy destroying their lives through such acts of criminality;unless when risking imprisonment;drug peddlers are out and prepared to take exploitative advantage of these little stubborn but brave beings;and the end result is their destroyed future paved for by a dangerous and fixed thinking of the born-free mentality.   


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